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NI RF & Microwave Reference Poster

Request your free copy of the NI RF and microwave poster, a comprehensive reference chart of the latest wireless standards, conversion tables, and formulas.

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Best-in-Class WLAN Measurements

The modern breed of test engineers is already using intuitive new technologies to reduce space and decrease test and development time all in a reduced budget. National Instruments is helping test engineers address these challenges with user-programmable FPGA-based instrumentation. Learn more about the benefits of using an open field-programmable gate array (FPGA) for 802.11ac testing specifically.


Read the white paper.

Matching circuit optimization for antenna applications

Impedance matching is an essential part of antenna design. The input impedance of an antenna needs to be reasonably close to the amplifier impedance, otherwise the signal is reflected back to the amplifier and not radiated by the antenna. This white paper discusses the optimization of matching circuits especially to antenna applications.

Installed Performance of Communication Antenna Arrays

The presence of multiple communication antennas on a tower means that antennas may have to be installed in sub-optimal positions. Electromagnetic simulation can be used to design and optimise the positioning of the antennas on the tower. This article will describe how multiple solvers in CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® can be combined to predict where to install an omnidirectional stacked bicone antenna array to minimise loss of omnidirectionality.

Microdul gains deeper insight into finger detection sensors with CST EM STUDIO

Microdul produces proximity sensor chips that can be used with remote sensing plates. Changes in plate capacitance are detected by a digital auto-calibrating algorithm. An approaching human finger typically causes a switching operation. The main challenge is to develop a sensor which can reliably distinguish between intentional switching operation and environmental interference.

Multiphysics Approach to Magnetron and Microwave Oven Design

The magnetrons used in microwave ovens operate on the same frequency band as Wi-Fi equipment, and the radiation they release can interfere with the operation of wireless networks. This paper presents a multiphysics simulation of a magnetron using CST STUDIO SUITE®, with the aim of testing the electrical, magnetic, thermal and mechanical characteristics of a low-interference magnetron design

Increasing Power Amplifier Test Throughput

Engineers who test mobile power amplifiers and front end modules are looking for ways to reduce test cost through maximizing throughput while ensuring that the devices meet required performance levels. This application note discusses these complex issues and recommended solutions using the Agilent PXI M9381A Vector Signal Generator as an example.

Fundamentals of Arbitrary Waveform Generation, A High Performance AWG Primer

The new generation of AWGs can address a broad range of applications and test cases. This primer discusses characteristics and fundamentals of an arbitrary waveform generator and the different implementations available in the market.

Choosing the Right RF Cable Assembly

Because coaxial cable assemblies are so vital to such a wide range of systems, from rugged ground-based electronic systems to orbiting satellites in space, the selection process for those cables should not be treated lightly. Choosing the right coaxial cable assembly is not a trivial task, but it is one that can be made somewhat easier by better knowing what to look for in a high-frequency or high-speed coaxial cable assembly.

Understanding VCO Concepts

This application note looks at VCO fundamentals, for typical oscillator designs through tuning sensitivity characteristics. Examples of a Colpitts and Clapp circuit are presented.