Quantic Wenzel

Company Profile

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Since 1978, Quantic Wenzel has set the standard for ultra-low phase noise crystal oscillators, a portfolio complemented by a range of advanced frequency sources and integrated microwave assemblies to 30 GHz and beyond. Quantic Wenzel’s frequency control and timing products are designed into mission-critical military, space and commercial applications, and perform in the most extreme environments.

Unmatched precision, low-g sensitivity and ultra-low phase noise distinguish our engineering expertise, so our customers can execute with full confidence – and without hesitation. And as a Quantic company, we’re part of an extended engineering ecosystem and powerful supply chain, defining a competitive advantage that extends to every customer.

Contact Information:

Contact: Quantic Wenzel
Phone: 512-835-2038


Quantic Wenzel
2215 Kramer Lane
Austin TX 78758
United States