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Nanophotonics and Integrated Optics Photonic Crystal Cavities

This whitepaper gives a general overview on different concepts of photonic crystal cavities. Important figures such as the transmission, the mode volume and the quality factor are discussed. The presented information will help the reader to decide which type of photonic crystal cavities will be most suited for the application in view.

Optimization of a Reflector Antenna System

In this paper a modular approach using the so-called System Assembly and Modeling (SAM) of CST STUDIO SUITE® is used to optimize a reflector antenna system in a piecewise manner. The results are compared to a full system simulation.

Sirona Cuts Development Costs of Dental X-Ray Equipment with the Aid of 3D EM Simulation

Sirona products are to be found in all fields of treatment and activities in a modern dental practice. These include, in addition to treatment equipment and instrumentation, the business division CAD/CAM Systems (production of ceramic inlays, onlays, partial crowns etc) and imaging systems with its products for X-Ray diagnosis.

Using 3D EM Simulation to Optimize the EMC and EMI Performance of Automotive Multimedia Systems

The use of EDA software for simulating PCBs and minimizing board-level interference in car radios are well established, but the use of 3D simulation techniques for system level field simulations and optimization of the housing was a new development to further improve quality.

From Layout to Eye Diagram CST STUDIO SUITE 2012 and the EDA Workflow

A full-wave 3D electromagnetic simulator can be used to simulate and visualize the propagation of electromagnetic fields across PCBs. This article will describe how CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® can be successfully used to characterize the response of high-speed channels, and how typical SI results and eye diagrams can be numerically calculated to predict the response of a channel.

SLIDES awr/cree 26mar13

CST Studio Suite 2013 Brochure

CST STUDIO SUITE 2013 is the culmination of years of research and development into finding the most accurate and efficient computational solutions for electromagnetic (EM) designs. From static to optical, and from the nanoscale to the electrically large, CST STUDIO SUITE includes tools for the design, simulation and optimization of a wide range of devices.

Combiners for Doherty Power Amplifier Architectures

Doherty combiner product line covers major communication bands ranging from 700 MHz to 2700 MHz. Each model is optimized for the center frequency of targeted frequency band. However, as new spectrum is being released, the pre‐designed standard models can be tuned in customer applications to meet performance. This document provides guidelines to tune these standard models for off‐band applications.