White Papers

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Near and Far-Field Antenna Measurements with a VNA

For optimal performance in over-the-air RF systems, antennas must meet specific requirements. Performance parameters like size, wind-loading, environmental ruggedness, transmission pattern, bandwidth, and power handling capability should be considered. Methods of measuring the transmission (or reception) pattern which determines antenna gain with a VNA will be examined in this article.

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Electromagnetic Simulation for Electronic System Design in Aerospace and Defense

The aerospace and defense industry depends on high-fidelity antennas for mission-critical electronic systems. This whitepaper explores how electromagnetic simulation optimizes antenna integration, mitigates interference, and ensures maximum signal reliability. Download the paper now to learn how Altair’s solutions enable seamless design collaboration across disciplines to enhance performance, reduce costs, and accelerate development.

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Energy Efficient IoT Connectivity and Security

In a world where the internet of things (IoT) is becoming more ingrained in everyday life, customer confidence in these technologies hinges on the assurance of security. Robust cybersecurity measures are critical for fostering this trust. In response to this need, regulations from both industry and governments have ramped up the requirement for defenses against cyber threats, protecting consumer privacy and security.

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Using Baluns and RF Components for Impedance Matching

Impedance mismatch in a circuit results in energy be¬ing reflected back to the source, reducing the amount of power available to the load and possibly causing damage to the power source. Matching the output impedance of the power source to the input impedance of an electrical load maximizes power transfer from source to load.

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Characterizing Wideband Converters for EW & Satcom

Adjusting and characterizing Wideband radiofrequency converters poses significant challenges due to numerous possible configurations. The complexity arises from variable local oscillator (LO) frequencies, different sub-bands, switched filter banks, and the high number of mixers within the modules.

Our Tech Brief presents efficient approaches that balance resource optimization with accurate performance data collection for these converters.

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Engineered Substrates for Intelligent IoT Connectivity

This whitepaper explores the role of engineered substrates in enhancing IoT by improving RF and microwave performance for efficient power use. It examines Wi-Fi and cellular protocol evolution, highlights Soitec’s innovations for IoT, and addresses challenges in cloud connectivity, offering insights and recommendations for future IoT advancements.

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Signal Hound

Measure Phase Noise with Cross-Correlated Channels

This paper explores various phase noise measurement methods and introduces a test solution that provides high-volume-production phase noise measurement speed and accuracy across wide frequency and dynamic ranges. The process employs cross-correlation technology to achieve low phase noise measurement levels at offset frequencies close to and far from the carrier.

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Designing for Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards Compliance

Humans are exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from sources like 5G, IoT devices, and EV systems. Altair® Feko® enables engineers to evaluate EMF safety early in design—when corrections are least costly to make—helping manufacturers meet regulations efficiently. Download the paper now to explore EMF compliance solutions with Altair® Feko®.

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