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Semiconductor Obsolescence Leads to Gray Market Practices

Rochester Electronics, George Karalias, Director of Marketing and Communications

SiP Flow

Understanding Available Tools for RF System-in-Package and Multi-Chip-Module Design and Optimization

New Development’s in Online Design Support

Transim white paper

Setting Strategies for 4 x 4 Printed Beam Forming Networks

In building a strategy for effective integrated-circuit design, it is important to understand the characteristics of different RF and microwave printed beam forming networks (BFN). Optimization of the design process for BFN can reduce unnecessary costs and design iterations, thus allowing designers time to improve the quality of the product. The design process includes various stages from analysis of requirements to final design documentation, balancing and trading off factors such as electrical performance, size, cost, etc.

Outdoor Communications Connectors

By Harting North America.

CoMPA™, an Innovation in Satellite Antenna Technology

by Starling Advanced Communications

Optimized Device Design: A Demonstration of Parameterization, Optimization, and High-Performance Computing with Hardware Accelerated FDTD

As technology has advanced, tools have been developed that go beyond merely analyzing devices to tools that design devices. These tools allow the user to select basic structures with variable dimensions, size constraints, and performance goals and then iterate automatically until the best possible design is found. The user is freed from the burden of monitoring the progress of each individual simulation and can devote time to other tasks. This evolutionary step in simulation software is improving the productivity of engineers developing nextgeneration devices in a variety of fields.