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Outdoor Surveillance: A Powerful Trend for a Safer Society

In this trend paper, TE Connectivity (TE) will explore the demands and trends in smart surveillance technology within the smart city ecosystem and review what engineers need to consider when designing smart surveillance products and components.

R&S®GSASLP Satellite Link Planner / R&S®GSACSM Communications System Monitoring

R&S®GSASLP is a satcom analysis and optimization software solution, covering all aspects of modern satellite communications. R&S®GSASLP perfectly supports major parts of the satcom value chain such as satellite system design, transmission planning and transponder usage optimization. R&S®SLP accurately models weather conditions, atmosphere effects and covers all RF transmission impairments of transparent payloads among all satcom bands of interest (C, X, Ku, Ka band etc.).

Broadband Chokes for Bias Tee Applications

In broadband bias applications, most inductors do not cover enough impedance bandwidth. Bandwidth can be increased by putting three or four inductors in series, but DC losses and filter complexity increase. Instead, a broadband bias choke provides wide bandwidth in a single inductor package.

Additive Phase Noise in Amplifiers

Phase noise has been a growing concern for high-performance transceiver designs. This white paper will discuss and analyze the various sources of additive phase noise in RF amplifiers as well as typical application requirements and measurement challenges. Phase noise specifications for a series of MMIC amplifiers are presented.

Automatic Fixture Removal from VNA Measurements

Automatic Fixture Removal is a simple, accurate way to de-embed measurement fixtures. These are typically used when measuring SMD type components to provide an interface from the VNA test port cables to the DUT. The main challenge when characterizing such components is to completely isolate DUT characteristics from the fixture.

Improving R&S®FSWP Measurement Speed

The Rohde & Schwarz®FSWP (FSWP) is a modern, digital signal processing based, phase-noise test set that performs many tasks in parallel in an effort to improve measurements speed. However, several measurement settings drastically affect measurement speed. This paper will discuss these settings and provide suggestions on improving overall measurement speed.

Recent Radar Advancements and Trends

This eBook explores several topics relevant to radar performance, beginning with an article describing a radar architecture enabled by improved processing: the “holographic” or staring radar. The second article discusses how the performance of radars with complex waveforms can be assessed using sophisticated power measurement to characterize pulse operation and using noise signals with statistical power measurement to identify nonlinearities in the signal chain. Moving to the benefits of GaN on radar performance, Qorvo describes how increasing the operating voltage to 65 V increases device power density and power-added efficiency, to 9 W/mm and 80 percent, respectively. A second article from Qorvo compares the additive phase noise of linear and saturated amplifiers and between PHEMT and HBT processes. The eBook concludes with an interview with Dean White, director of Qorvo’s defense and aerospace segment, who shares his perspective of market needs and how Qorvo is aligning its process and product roadmaps to serve them.

Overcoming 5G Test Challenges

There really is not a home for articles dealing with the challenges of the highest volume chips and their testing for high volume ATE. To serve this market, ATE companies, like industry microwave/millimeter wave instrument leader Teradyne, have developed instrumentation with features that create stability and repeatability at very high channel counts with reduced user complexity. But for this eBook, we did pull together some of the “best of MWJ articles” that talk about similar issues for you to whet your appetite including: • Navigating the 5G NR Standards, by Sheri DeTomasi, Keysight Technologies • Challenges for Effective and Realistic 5G OTA Testing, by Miguel Á. García-Fernández, EMITE Ingeniería S.L. and David A. Sánchez-Hernández, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena • Significant Test Time Reduction and Equipment Utilization in 5G RF Production Testing, by Sascha Laumann, Rohde & Schwarz • The Phase Noise Challenge Pacing the Race to 5G, by Bill Linstrom, Ron Parrott and Allen Sweet, VIDA Products • Evaluating PCB Plated Through Holes for 5G Applications, by John Coonrod, Rogers Corp.

Wireless Communications for Automotive Applications

This white paper examines everything from lab-based testing and in-field performance testing to over-the-air (OTA) testing needs for vehicles. In the end, a clear overview of supplementary, non-communication related testing aspects in the automotive world is offered.

Faster Testing of Phased Array Antennas Improves LEO HTS Launch Rates

Understand the benefits of multi-probe technology for the faster testing and calibration of phased array antennas in LEO HTS, improving time-to-market and speed of production in the race to deliver viable connectivity on a global scale.