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July 6, 2021
This eBook surveys the state of GaN and its use for 5G base stations, concluding with the day when GaN will be eyed for 6G systems operating at E-Band and above. The first article reviews the growth of GaN since Strategy Analytics began tracking it in 2007. Strategy Analytics forecasts continued growth driven by strong defense and 5G demand. The next article discusses DPD linearization challenges for 5G transmitters. A relevant example of GaN’s broadband capabilities is presented in a design article of a 10 W nominal PA covering 1.4 to 3.6 GHz, achieving 60 to 68 percent drain efficiency and adjacent channel power ratio better than −30 dBc. The eBook concludes with an application note on making accurate device load-pull measurements from 70 to 110 GHz. Accurate load-pull data is a key element of successful PA design, and while E- and W-Band frequencies may not seem relevant to today’s cellular PA designers, it won’t be long.
June 29, 2021
The use of machine learning enables an antenna designer to generate a trained mathematical model that replicates an original antenna design. The trained model enables the optimization of the antenna through thousands of iterations in just a few seconds.
June 14, 2021
There have a been a lot of developments in the Electronic Warfare (EW) and Signals Intelligence markets in the last few years as higher power, wideband hardware has become more mainstream and artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) have advanced on the software side. This eBook reviews some of the recent advances in smarter, more flexible hardware to gather and jam signals from these emerging threats. The first couple of articles review the state of EW and how AI and ML are enabling new solutions. The next article covers open system architectures for military applications and how they are enabling next generation defense systems. The next two articles cover drone detection and defeat technologies starting with systems that can adapt to their environment followed by an article about emerging drone technologies. The last article briefly covers the RTX 2684 26 GHz RF Sentinel™ Intelligent Signal Scanning small form factor recorder.
June 10, 2021
Discover how ultra-fast data conversion and signal processing systems can be designed to guarantee deterministic latency. Past efforts focused on increasing data transmission speeds and bandwidths but increasingly, modern applications now set an equally high value on determinism. This article considers determinism, at device level and expands on the topic of how ultra-fast data conversion and signal processing systems can be designed to guarantee deterministic latency.
June 10, 2021
A discussion of noise figure measurements includes a wide number of options, instrumentation, and techniques each with their own advantages and limitations. In this tech brief, we focus on non-cryogenic applications, with proven performance, that can be conducted with standard laboratory equipment and easily followed by trained personnel.
June 10, 2021
Measurements of very high noise figure components are performed for a number of reasons. For instance, in a wide range of applications, devices under test (DUT) are characterized within a complex test setup that includes high losses before or after the low noise DUT.
June 10, 2021
RF coaxial connectors and cables provide vital RF links in communications, broadcast, EMC testing, commercial, military, and test & measurement. In this guide, you will learn the different types of RF Coaxial Connectors and Cables, the various uses for each, and how to choose connectors best suited for your application.
June 10, 2021
Third order intercept (IP3) is a hypothetical point at which the fundamental signal power and the third order signal power is the same. In practice, we can never reach this point as the amplifier saturates even before this condition occurs. However, IP3 plays an important role in characterizing the device.
June 10, 2021
Read this white paper to learn more on over-the-air (OTA) testing on 5G NR devices. Focusing on RF conformance aspects and UEs, the paper examines the requirements described in the technical specifications. You will learn about antenna measurement key parameters, test methods and setups, and 3GPP OTA testing for UEs.
June 10, 2021
The spectral environment is quickly changing today. It’s becoming more crowded, which is resulting in an increase in spectral noise. This is presenting a variety of new challenges for RF designers, both in terms of the architecture and power needed to transmit and receive signals and the types of jobs filters need to perform in receivers (Rx) and transmitters (Tx).