
Automotive Radar Design Considerations for Autonomous Driving and Safety Systems

This eBook is a compilation of recent articles published by Microwave Journal on mmWave technology, automotive radar sensor trends and innovation, choosing the right PCB materials and configurations for high frequency automotive radars, the future of automotive radar testing and interference issues that need to be addressed.

GPS/GNSS Interference Challenges and Solutions

With the expansion of GNSS/GPS systems worldwide, this eBook addresses the critical interference issues covering filter design, co-existence of systems, system architecture, testing, temperature considerations and more in the successful design of GNSS/GPS systems for today’s wireless applications. It also offers insight into basic filter design in systems and filter design trends in the market.

Advances in Radar, Test and Integration

Strategy Analytics stated that current technology advancements in the areas of Doppler processing, dual-polarization, electronic digital beamforming, solid-state transceivers, pulsed-compression, direct digital data conversion, signal processing algorithms, 3-D displays and data analytics are adding impetus to radar spending globally through both upgrades on existing systems as well as new radar procurements. This eBook collection of articles provides an overview of many of these trends and technology advancements including design tradeoffs, new architectures, new simulation and testing techniques and more.

Selection of PCB Materials for 5G

The demanding performance requirements of 5G will push the limit of PCB designs from antennas to control functions to amplifier circuits. PCB effects such as copper surface roughness, Dk variations, thermal dissipation, passive intermodulation, coefficient of thermal expansion and thickness variations, will affect 5G designs more than previous generations. This eBook covers these topics to help engineers design for the next generation of mobile communications.


Advances in AESA Radar

The following articles, recently published in Microwave Journal, review recent developments in AESA radar technology.