Featured White Papers

Designing for EMI Testing (Step-by-Step Guide): Improve Your Time to Market With Oscilloscopes

The challenges in testing EMI during early product cycle are multifold. In our free step-by-step guide, we break down the whole EMI design test process into “Locate”, “Capture”, and “Analyze”. With this guide, you are now able to discover and analyze EMI in a more systematic and methodical approach.

Design and Physical Realization of Phased-Array Antennas for MIMO and Beam-Steering Applications

A phased-array antenna is made up of multiple individual radiating elements (antennas), each fed with an RF signal controlled through phase shifters in such a way that the radio waves from the separate antennas are added together to increase the radiation.

Realizing the SWaP-C Benefits of Designing with Positive Gain Slope MMIC Amplifiers

Modern wideband microwave systems often require a flat overall gain response with respect to frequency. Achieving this performance can be difficult, however, since most wideband microwave components exhibit a negative gain slope as the frequency increases.

Optimize Doherty Power Amplifiers

Speed up development, verify best performance and start up series production with confidence. Doherty designs achieve high efficiency, greater linearity and increased output power. Get deep insight into your design with a dual-path, precisely synchronized source driving the Doherty amplifier and improve your yield.

Seeing the Full Picture: Introducing Software-Defined Spectrum Analyzers

Wireless communications technology has become a vital component of today’s information driven world. With so much reliance on it, it’s easy to forget how different the spectrum environment looked only a few decades ago. This shift has also pushed spectrum monitoring requirements well beyond what was previously the norm.

RFIC PA Development for Communication and Radar Systems: Basic Operations and Metrics

Power amplifiers (PAs) are responsible for increasing the strength of a signal with minimal added distortion. By providing enough signal strength to overcome over-the-air losses, PAs play a vital role in the RF/microwave front end of any communication system.

How To Right-Size Your Wireless Testing

Whether mobile devices, Internet of Things, or industrial RF applications, the world runs on wireless. As a result, wireless testing is more important than ever before. But how do you balance thoroughness, speed, and budgets? Quipping "pick any two of the three" isn't a good answer.

MM-wave Partial Information De-embedding: Errors and Sensitivities

De-embedding methods making significant structural assumptions have become popular in mm-wave fixtures because of the relative immunity to repeatability and standards availability problems at the DUT. The intrinsic errors, repeatability and configuration sensitivities are studied in this work with examples in the WR-10 and WR-2.2 bands.

Cable Harness EMC/EMI: Cross Talk, Radiation, Interference and Susceptibility

Bundles of electrical cables in vehicles, aircraft, ships and buildings pose electromagnetic compatibility and interference challenges to the electrical design engineer. Due to their lengths, they are more likely to radiate or pick up irradiation than many other electrical components and systems.

PCB Substrates: Matching your Design to the Right Material and Rapid Prototyping Process

To stay ahead of the competition, microelectronics engineers and manufacturing teams must continuously evaluate the best new methods to produce efficient PCBs. In this white paper, we’ll discuss the best methods and substrate material for consideration of rapid prototyping your designs.