Featured White Papers
October 10, 2019
The R&S®SMW200A GNSS simulator offers an easy and convenient way to test your receiver design against a wide variety of potential interferers and jammers. Test cases extend from simple coexistence simulations to complex interference scenarios with localized emitters.
October 10, 2019
A non-blocking radio frequency (RF) matrix fits well with a traditional vector network analyzer (VNA) to save time, save money, and improve overall quality when performing RF characterization testing on multiple devices. In a non-blocking RF matrix, power dividers are used to distribute multiple RF input signals to multiple outputs simultaneously.
October 10, 2019
The right measurement applications can increase the functionality of your signal analyzer and reduce your time to insight with ready-to-use measurements, built-in results displays, and standards conformance tests. Download this eBook to learn about applications that can help you spend less time setting up measurements and more time evaluating your designs.
October 10, 2019
Read our 5G NR eBook and discover all relevant details of the new technology. Exlore key implementation aspects and learn which test and measurement equipment is required to develop, manufacture and service 5G NR products.
September 13, 2019
A new class of filter, which presents broadband matched impedance at it's ports, has recently been invented and made available. This new device, the reflectionless filter, has demonstrated a variety of benefits when used to replace conventional filters in a signal chain. This white paper briefly introduces the reflectionless filter and compares conventional filter and reflectionless filter behavior. Use cases are presented examining how reflectionless filters can improve system performance when used with mixers, ADCs, and receiver signal chains. Lastly, an experiment is described and test results presented to compare the conversion loss ripple in multiplier chains when reflectionless and reflective filters are used to filter spurious signals.
September 13, 2019
The white paper reviews basic microstrip topologies and covers the various types of structures used in filter designs. The advantages and disadvantages of each are covered to understand the important tradeoffs that occur with each filter type. It provides the critical information you need to know to work closely with a filter company to design appropriate filters for your needs.
September 13, 2019
Integrated beamformer ICs shrink the size of antenna feed electronics. Multiport network analyzers shrink the necessary test setup down to one instrument. Register for our material and verify beamformer ICs for phased array antenna.
September 13, 2019
This whitepaper discusses how 5G RF MEMS acoustic resonator-based filters can be efficiently and effectively designed and optimized, thereby reducing cost, risk, and time to market. Learn how cloud engineering simulation plays a key role in achieving quick and reliable design wins.
August 16, 2019
5G technology will be the catalyst that accelerates the pace of change —including transportation, manufacturing, healthcare and more. This paradigm shift, combined with ongoing developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning will lead to new scientific discoveries and improve our every day lives.
Download the white paper and learn about the numerous use cases and applications for 5G, gain a better understanding of how 5G enables innovation and how 5G testing solutions accelerates time-to-market.
August 6, 2019
The failure of a coaxial cable assembly during operation can be costly, and not just monetarily. The cost failure could also amount to loss of life, complete mission failure, or the downtime of essential communication, radar, location, or jammer systems.