Featured White Papers

Simulation-Driven Optimization of 5G RF MEMS Filters

This whitepaper discusses how 5G RF MEMS acoustic resonator-based filters can be efficiently and effectively designed and optimized, thereby reducing cost, risk, and time to market. Learn how cloud engineering simulation plays a key role in achieving quick and reliable design wins.

The Wide-Ranging Impact of 5G

5G technology will be the catalyst that accelerates the pace of change —including transportation, manufacturing, healthcare and more. This paradigm shift, combined with ongoing developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning will lead to new scientific discoveries and improve our every day lives. Download the white paper and learn about the numerous use cases and applications for 5G, gain a better understanding of how 5G enables innovation and how 5G testing solutions accelerates time-to-market.

Building Qualified High-Reliability Cable Assemblies: Shipped Same Day

The failure of a coaxial cable assembly during operation can be costly, and not just monetarily. The cost failure could also amount to loss of life, complete mission failure, or the downtime of essential communication, radar, location, or jammer systems.

Optimize Beamforming From Bits to RF Beams

Rohde & Schwarz gives you the benefit of a well-coordinated portfolio of conducted and OTA test solutions. Radar, satellite communications and 5G NR use AAS with phased array antennas for beamforming. Hybrid beamforming combines the flexibility of digital beamforming with the efficiency of analog beamforming. Increasing integration enables compact and cost-efficient AAS. To achieve accurate, reliable and efficient beamforming, it is necessary to understand and compensate for the nonlinear behavior of RF components.

Diverse RF Semiconductor Technologies Are Driving the 5G Rollout

5G is poised to enable a host of new applications and experiences, but with this revolution comes the need for semiconductor technologies that can help 5G live up to this hype. Learn about the cellular and Wi-Fi architectural changes 5G is driving in smartphones, and the technologies making this possible.

Simplify Coexistence and Interference Testing for GNSS Receivers

The R&S®SMW200A GNSS simulator offers an easy and convenient way to test your receiver design against a wide variety of potential interferers and jammers. Test cases extend from simple coexistence simulations to complex interference scenarios with localized emitters.

10 Signal Generator Features You’re Probably Paying Too Much For

A robust test bench is an essential element to any team conducting daily RF device and assembly prototyping, characterization, and calibration. And among the most common instruments you’ll find on benches everywhere, from component and subsystem manufacturers to antenna system integrators and cellular network providers, is a signal generator.

Designing Microwave PCBs for Successful Manufacture — Getting it Right the First Time

In PCB manufacturing, not all the potential problems that can threaten the successful manufacture of a complex microwave circuit are necessarily captured in simulations. This paper looks at some common mistakes we see every day in the manufacturing process, and how to adjust your design to avoid those pitfalls.

5G New Radio - Fundamentals, Procedures, Testing Aspects

The 5G New Radio online compendium from Rohde & Schwarz covers all the relevant details of 5G NR technology – the fundamentals and procedures in line with the 3GPP specification as well as key implementation aspects.

Analyze EMI Problems with the R&S®RTO/RTE

The R&S®RTO / R&S®RTE digital oscilloscope is a valuable tool for analyzing EMI problems in electronic designs. High input sensitivity, high dynamic range and a powerful FFT implementation are key features for capturing and analyzing unwanted emissions. Learn more in our paper.