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Optimizing RADAR Efficiency: An Examination of ERZIA’s GaN-Based Microwave Solid-State Power Amplifiers in X-Band

Operating within the 8.0–12.0 GHz frequency range, X-Band radar systems have proved vital across various industries, including meteorology, air traffic control, defense, and maritime services. Their exceptional resolution and accuracy make them indispensable in our technology-driven world.


Emerging Radar and Electronic Warfare (EW) Challenges: Developing Test Strategies

The 21st-century battlefield evolution emphasizes advanced military systems like radar and ECM, demanding fast-paced, flexible, and cost-effective design strategies. Integrating high-performance testing instruments, dedicated software, and comprehensive support ensures optimal operation of these systems, meeting the rigorous standards and varied environments specified by the DoD.


Extended Reality (XR) Spreading in Business Field

Extended Reality/Cross Reality (XR), whose use cases have expanded from the world of gaming, keeps growing and evolving while taking in diverse technologies. Its use cases have been spreading in business in recent years, with new applications developed for such areas as simulation, training, learning, and collaboration.


Radar Basics: How to Build a 24 GHz FMCW Radar System.pdf

This article serves as an introduction to frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar generation within the 24 GHz ISM band. This includes the major building blocks required for this type of radar system such as ramp generation, transmit and receive stages, downconversion, and sampling.


Scalability of Full Wave and Asymptotic Solvers in Altair Feko

Electromagnetic simulation time and memory are dependent upon the electrical size of the model being simulated. In this paper, analysis between simulation runtime and memory between Altair Feko’s full wave/asymptotic solvers and parallel processes is performed using aircraft models provided in UT Austin’s RCS Benchmark Suite.


5 Critical Questions to Ask When Selecting Fixed-frequency Sources for Digitally Reprogrammable Multifunction AESA Systems

Today’s Multifunction Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) systems are engineered and manufactured to simultaneously perform different operations, such as radar, electronic warfare (EW), and communications functions. One of the most critical elements of digitally reprogrammable multifunction AESA systems are the fixed-frequency sources. 


Quartz Crystal Hermeticity and the Relationship to SC-cut Long Term Reliability

Precision quartz crystals must operate reliably for many years under sometimes adverse conditions including large ambient temperature variations and exposure to moisture and other environmental contaminants.


Over the Horizon - Principles and Challenges of Operating in the HF Band

This white paper examines the contrasts between traditional line of sight (LoS) radar and over-the-horizon (OTH) HF radar, driven by emerging threats like hypersonic missiles. It delves into HF propagation principles, interference sources, and operational OTH radar like ROTHR and JORN, while also addressing challenges in research, development, testing, and evaluation.

Rohde Schwarz USA

Understanding and Measuring Phase Noise

Most every wireless and wireline communication network, along with radar systems uses a digital modulation scheme that is susceptible to noise and jitter. Many systems still use a heterodyne architecture that converts the digital signal to a higher-frequency analog signal. This architecture relies on a mixer to create these higher frequencies. Noise from any component that reaches the mixer can be re-mixed and this reduces the sensitivity and selectivity of the entire system as re-mixed signals leak into adjacent channels. Phase noise is a big contributor to this potential issue. 


Innovating on 6G with Artificial Intelligence

Today, the 6G standard is in the early phases. Candidate technologies are being researched, prototyped, and simulated to drive the direction of the 3GPP standards development activity. Applying digital twin workflows to simulations and pairing them with a prototype as it moves through the design phase opens up innovative ways to design and identify optimizations early. Modeling software tools that leverage as much real-world data as possible have the potential to solve significant challenges early by incorporating known insights from existing 5G deployments. Research testbeds will be critical to success if 6G aims to spur collaboration alongside innovation. The ability to prototype new AI, digital twin, and software-defined tools across the wireless ecosystem will provide significant results for applying those technologies wisely. This eBook looks at the design densification and test challenges from migrating 5G communications into the 6G sub-Terahertz frequency ranges. Keysight Technologies, the sponsor of this eBook, presents end-to-end capabilities for simulating, testing, and evaluating devices, subsystems, and systems for the evolution of the 5G systems as they evolve towards 6G.