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Quality digital down conversion (DDC) is challenging with high-speed time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters (TIADC) due to frequency response mismatches of sub-ADC slices, which cause spurious components. This paper describes a novel method for real-time DDC with slice mismatch equalization.
Network operators are deploying active mmWave antennas in unprecedented volumes, fueled by emerging 5G wireless networks. Silicon ICs are enabling operators to meet the challenging performance, reliability and cost goals. This paper covers several key considerations for active mmWave 5G antennas and how silicon ICs are addressing the operator needs.
This white paper introduces some of the fundamental theory behind beamforming antennas. In addition to these basic concepts, calculation methods for radiation patterns and a number of real world measurement results for linear arrays are shown.
In this White Paper Knowles Precision Devices reviews some of the areas of 5G communications that will be implemented in the millimeter wave (mmWave) region of the RF spectrum and provides a guide to available RF filtering options at these frequencies.
When analyzing the signal integrity performance of DDR interfaces, separating read and write cycles has been a challenging task. Comprehensive trigger capabilities are required – especially when attempting to recreate the eye diagram in realtime.
Learn best practices to help you leverage the capabilities of your signal generator and optimize your testing for the most accurate measurements. Download the two-part application note 9 Best Practices for Optimizing Your Signal Generator.
There is a growing trend across all industries to design feature-rich products. You need to thoroughly test your product while meeting market windows and project deadlines. Learn how a data acquisition system could help you achieve all of these goals in this Ebook entitled, Four Things To Consider When Using a DAQ as a Data Logger.
Today’s spectrum is already overcrowded. 5G NR needs to operate without introducing interference. Get Keysight’s Coexistence in Wireless Communications poster:
• Reference tables of frequency ranges and operating bands
• Top 5 issues that jeopardize quality of service
• Terms and acronyms
• Solutions for coexistence testing
This white paper will discuss an approach and architecture that will improve linearity for solid state high power RF and microwave amplifiers by orders of magnitude, whether class A or class AB topologies, although the fundamental principles can also be applied to TWT and MPM amplifiers as well.
RF modules offer a large amount of functionality in a small space, but they can be an engineering challenge for development teams. When combining multiple integrated circuits (ICs) into a single package, it is necessary to model the electrical behavior of many different technologies, such as interconnects (transmission lines) and embedded distributed components, as well as RF, analog, and digital components.