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Accurate System Level Design with Low Noise Amplifier's BlackBox Models

System level simulations are not easy. Adding individual integrated or discrete component’s foundry/supplier kits to the system simulation adds complexity. Through Skyworks’ BlackBox model for the low noise figure SKY67151-396LF LNA, which does not include any extra modeling kits, customers can accurately simulate and predict small and large signal performance.

Pulsed GaN Power Transistors

This paper explains the pulsed RF operation of Microsemi pulsed GaN HEMT RF power transistors using as an example the 1011GN-700ELM 1030 MHz Mode-S Enhanced Message Length (ELM) avionics device. General descriptions are presented detailing both the pulsed gate bias operation and the bias sequencing operation of the pulser circuit used on the Microsemi evaluation test fixtures.

Solutions for Design and Test of Downlink 8x8 LTE MIMO

The new application note “Solutions for Design and Test of 8x8 LTE MIMO” is designed to help you get insight into solving tough measurement problems in a unique way for both the design and manufacturing environments by explaining how to combine simulation with test solutions to realize high-performance 8x8 MIMO designs.

Resources to Optimize Your Design for Greater Battery Run-Time

Trying to increase battery life? Trying to be green or increase energy efficiency?  If so, then current consumption is most likely one of your key concerns.  Today's multi-tasking, battery-powered devices boast powerful processors, incorporate back-lit touch-screen displays, and have amassed multiple radio receivers and transmitters that are sending and receiving data at unprecedented rates.

Advanced VNA Cable Measurements

This field brief will discuss phase-matching cables, S-parameter definitions as they apply to cable characterization and other cable parameters such as Phase Shift and Group Delay. Advanced Time-Domain measurements will also be presented as enhancements to the well-known Distance-to-Fault (DTF) techniques. In addition, diagnostic tools like the Smith Chart will be briefly described.

Product Highlights 2013

Product Catalog 2012

Sensor Catalog 2013