Oh, the Way We Were!

A look back at the changes that have taken place in the microwave industry since 1958, the year Microwave Journal was created
Oh, the Way We Were! As Microwave Journal celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, we take a look at how things were (or how we remember them as having been) when it all started, way back then. Alexander E. Braun West Coast Correspondent It was a time of Pickett...
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Intelligent Transportation Systems: Mirage or Reality?

The National Automated Highway System Consortium's vision for an intelligent transportation system, which involves a plan to equip both cars and highways in such a way as to make the driver mostly irrelevant
Intelligent Transportation Systems: Mirage or Reality? Alexander E. Braun West Coast Correspondent At the New York World’s Fair in 1939, the General Motors Pavilion, “Highways and Horizons,” stole the show with its Futurama presentation. Seated on chairs fixed to a conveyor belt, 28,000 people took a 15-minute ride into...
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