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Tektronix Premiers TekHSI

Tektronix, Inc shared the availability of a new remote procedure call (RPC)-based solution, TekHSI, for faster data transfer from testing instruments to a user’s PC.

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Bridging the Gap Between RF Front-End Module Characterization and Production Test With the Semiconductor Test System

With the modern mobile device revolution, semiconductor suppliers are challenged to increase capability, integration, and performance while reducing time to market. Test needs a new approach based on an open, flexible platform at significantly lower cost. NI is bridging this gap by building on the stability and capability of the PXI platform to deliver off-the-shelf modular technology to both the characterization and production engineer.

Optimizing IP3 and ACPR Measurements

Learn techniques to improve your instrument’s ability to measure intermodulation distortion, third-order intercept, and adjacent channel power ratio.

Achieving Accurate RF and Microwave Power Measurements for Satellite Thermal Vacuum Test

This application note compares the commonly-implemented power measurement test setups for TVAC with a new test method that uses TVAC-qualified LAN power sensors. The paper explains how this new test method provides a simplified test setup, and more accurate and reliable microwave power measurements for TVAC testing of satellite equipment.

Noise Figure Measurements: Theory and Applications

Learn about the fundamentals of noise and noise figure measurements, including the Y-factor technique and methods to calculate measurement uncertainty.

Overcoming High-speed Interconnect Challenges

Cloud computing, smart phones, and LTE services are causing a large increase in network traffic. Instantaneous traffic rates at internet data centers have reached 1 Tbit/s. Supporting this increased traffic, speed of IT equipment used in high-end services in data centers must be increased. This white paper discusses challenges introduced at these higher data rates and how Vector Network Analyzers can help meet these.

Calculating VNA Measurement Accuracy

Vector Network Analyzers (VNA) are your primary resource when analyzing and characterizing systems and components for RF and Microwave measurements. They are regarded as accurate measuring instruments, however, quantifying the accuracy performance of a VNA in a specific application can be challenging. VNA specifications are a starting point; but, they are based upon very specific calibration and measurement conditions, which are not applicable for many applications.

Synchronization for Next Generation Networks - The PTP Telecom Profile

This paper is designed to help network engineers, network planners, and network operations understand how to deploy Precision Time Protocol (PTP, or IEEE 1588). PTP is a next generation, packetbased timing protocol targeted for use in asynchronous network infrastructures based on packet transport technologies.

Advanced VNA Cable Measurements

This field brief will discuss phase-matching cables, S-parameter definitions as they apply to cable characterization and other cable parameters such as Phase Shift and Group Delay. Advanced Time-Domain measurements will also be presented as enhancements to the well-known Distance-to-Fault (DTF) techniques. In addition, diagnostic tools like the Smith Chart will be briefly described.


Oscilloscope Fundamentals

The oscilloscope is arguably one of the most useful tools ever created for use by electronic engineers. In the more than five decades since the modern analog oscilloscope was created, hundreds of useful documents and thousands of articles have been written about what it is, how it works, how to use it, and application-specific examples of the oscilloscope in action. It is the purpose of this primer to instead describe digital oscilloscopes, which have for practical purposes replaced their analog predecessors in the vast majority of applications.