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Microwave Journal

March Supplement 2010

March 2011 Issue

Volume: 0
Edition: 3

Note from the Publisher

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The Best of Saad

Many of us grew up in the afterglow of Ted Saad's accomplishments. I first met Ted at the Dallas symposium in 1982; the MTT Society of which he was a founding member was celebrating its 30th birthday. Ted was a key figure in MTT's growth and culture: h...
On "Conferences and Exhibitions" Usually we reserve the technical sessions at [various conferences] for assessing what the new ideas are and where the technology is going. I believe it is equally important to find out at least two more things, the first is whether the new ideas can be...
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Cover Feature

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Technical Features

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Narrowband Vector Intermodulation Measurements

This novel measurement technique determines accurately the magnitude and phase of nonlinear scattering parameters of nonlinear devices. For these measurements, it is necessary to extend a conventional vector network analyzer with an external phase refe...
Almost all electrical elements and components have more or less nonlinear characteristics: they generate harmonics, mixture and intermodulation (IM) products. In order to prevent these effects from affecting the performance or even damaging the system functionality, a nonlinear characterization is necessary to obtain high end results. In this context,...
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A Multiband Bandstop Filter Using a Single Ring Resonator for a Wireless Access Communication System

A novel multiple bandstop filter (MBSF) with compact size and low insertion loss is proposed and fabricated. This filter is composed of a cell of a spurline and a section of coupled lines with a rectangular ring resonator. The center frequencies of the...
Wireless communication systems, such as cellular mobile communication systems, wireless local area networks (WLAN) and short-range communication systems (Bluetooth), provide convenient communication services in modern society. In an airplane, when the onboard wireless communication services are provided, many other systems may be used simultaneously. Compact equipment that supports multimode/multiband...
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A Wideband Millimeter-wave Coaxial to Rectangular Waveguide Transition Structure

Most current adapters use additional fixtures such as tuning screws to achieve the desired transmission response. These tuning components often present challenges in design. In this article, dielectric photonic band gap (PBG) structures are introduced ...
The coaxial to rectangular waveguide transition is one of the most important devices used in microwave and millimeter-wave circuits. Especially at millimeter-waves, a waveguide-to-coaxial adapter is one of the most often used components for efficient electromagnetic wave transmission and high power handling. Although many types of adapters are available...
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Special Reports

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PXI Modules Offer Speed, Scalability and Small Form Factor for RF Measurement Systems

The emergence of new wireless standards and the growing adoption of wireless radios in the consumer world have created new RF test challenges for engineers. With consumer devices using more radios and engineers performing more RF measurements than ever before, it has become increasingly clear to the industry that...
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The MWJ Puzzler - March 2011

TesT & MeAsureMenT Download the Puzzler (PDF) Across 3 ENOB (4 words) 5 A technique used with oscilloscopes and spectrum analyzers to reduce noise and effectively increase resolution and dynamic range 7 A load-pull technique that uses a separate coherent signal source to stimulate the source or load side...
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Application Note

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Tackling the Mixed-signal Testing Challenges of SDR

Software-defined radios (SDR) utilize a combination of FPGAs, DSPs and analog/RF designs to achieve the radio’s system performance. The mixed-signal nature of these SDR designs can introduce system integration testing complexities when the baseband hardware and RF hardware are integrated and tested together. This testing complexity presents itself because...
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Product Features

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Pushing Radar Designs to the Limit with Highly Realistic Signal Scenarios

In the development of next-generation radar and electronic warfare (EW) systems, typical test scenarios include simulations such as low-observable signals mixed with ground clutter and environmental interferers. Addressing these demanding scenarios requires an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) or signal-scenario generator (SSG) that has two key attributes. The first is...
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Simplifying and Improving Advanced-technology MIMO Receiver Testing

Multiple-In, Multiple-Out (MIMO) antenna techniques promise to deliver exceptionally high data rates over new wireless technologies such as LTE and LTE-Advanced. However, the increase in attainable data rates brought about by MIMO technology is based on taking advantage of several channel characteristics that were inconsequential to legacy technologies. These...
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Digital Attenuators

Select_Attenuators100Skyworks & RFMW introduces select digital attenuators. With up to 7-bits and 0.25 dB step accuracy, these select digital attenuators operate up to 4 GHz for both RF and IF applications. All attenuators are absorptive in 50 ohm environments and easily cascadable – impedance matching is not needed between attenuators.

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HMC-T2220 Signal Generator

hmc-t2220_100Hittite Microwave Corporation, the world class supplier of complete MMIC based solutions for communication & military markets, has launched the HMC-T2220, a new and easy to implement 10 MHz to 20 GHz Synthesized Signal Generator which provides the highest output power, lowest harmonic levels and broadest frequency range compared with any signal generator in its class for only $9,998.00.

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AOX Amplifier Series

AOXampSEAtlanTecRF is proud to announce its new, versatile and affordable range of UK designed and manufactured amplifiers. Spanning frequencies from 1 to 20 GHz and operates in temperatures ranging from cryogenic to +100°C, the newly introduced AOX amplifier series features 21 different models, each offering one or more octaves of bandwidth.

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Tech Briefs

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Breakthrough High-power Microwave Filter Technology

Active Spectrum has introduced low-loss, tunable filter modules in the 225 to 6000 MHz bands, using a proprietary tunable resonator to implement a filter with wideband tuning, low insertion loss (1.0 dB typical) and high RF power handling capability (> 20 W). The tunable filters show significantly improved insertion...
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New Products

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New Products

PXI RF Combiners The 3060 Series RF combiners are PXI modules designed specifically for RF component and radio terminal system test. They are high performance RF conditioning modules supplied in a compact single-slot 3U PXI package. The series is comprised of four different modules each addressing a particular application:...
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M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc. (M/A-COM Tech) has extended its position in high power semiconductors with the introduction of its first family of Gallium Nitride (GaN) RF power transistors. This new family of products targets S-band radar pulsed applications and leverages M/A-COM Tech's heritage of providing both standard and custom...
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MarketWatch: E-band Backhaul

Millimeter-wave links at E-band frequencies can be deployed with minimal interference, allowing more efficient spectrum re-use, reducing coordination requirements, and allowing regulators to adopt a "light licensing" scheme at a fraction of the cost of "traditional" licenses, which has a number of backhaul equipment manufacturers touting its usage. Millimeter-wave...
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Ground-based Markets for Broadband Satellite Communications to Exceed $3 B

According to a report recently released by Engalco, multi-billion dollar global markets for ground-based broadband satellite communications transceivers are expected within this decade. A series of spacecraft are being launched with highly broadband throughput capabilities. Hylas1 and Ka-SAT are already in orbit and Ka-SAT’s total throughput is 70 Gbps....
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Military Spending and GaN Adoption Driving RF Power Semiconductor Markets

Although spending on RF power semiconductors in wireless infrastructure markets has continued to stagnate, other markets—notably the military—are seeing increased activity. Also, according to a new study from ABI Research, Gallium Nitride—long seen as a promising new “material of choice” for RF power semiconductors—is continuing to gain some market...
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Around the Circuit

Industry News Ceragon Networks Ltd . has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Nera Networks AS (NAS), headquartered in Bergen, Norway, from Eltek ASA. The consideration for the acquisition is approximately $48.5 M on a cash-free/debt-free basis. Both companies’ assets and core...
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Web Update

LTE Videos Gain greater insight into LTE design and test with the new 24/7 Agilent LTE Videos page. The site is designed to give information about LTE test for greater understanding, more rapid development and design into this complex technology. To view the videos, visit www.agilent.com/find/LTEvideos , or go...
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The Book End

An Engineer’s Guide to Automated Testing of High-speed Interfaces Jose Moreira and Hubert Werkmann Providing a complete introduction to the state-of-the-art in high-speed digital testing with automated test equipment (ATE), An Engineer’s Guide to Automated Testing of High-speed Interfaces focuses exclusively on this increasingly important topic. The book covers...
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March 2011 Executive Inteview - Tektronix

The Expanding Role of Test & Measurement in the Mil/Aero Arena – reducing the mission risk

Larry Pendergrass, Director of Engineering, Sources/ Analyzers Product line, Tektronix talks about the the expanding role of T&M instruments in the military and aerospace arena.
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Crane Aerospace & Electronics has announced the appointment of John P. DiStasio, Senior Director of Business Development for Microwave Solutions for the Electronics Group. DiStasio will lead the Microwave Solutions business development team, which includes sites in Beverly, MA, Chandler, AZ, West Caldwell, NJ and San Jose, Costa Rica. Read more

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