White Papers


Advances in EM Analysis and Design Flows for RF System Development

RF/mixed signal PCB systems and heterogeneous SiP technologies are increasingly susceptible to delayed product development turnaround times due to higher frequencies and component densities. This paper overviews the Cadence design platforms that provide seamlessly integrated EM and multiphysics/thermal simulation with the capacity to solve large-scale design and integration problems across IC, package, and board. 
Rohde and Schwarz

Improving the Capabilities of Cognitive Radar and EW Systems

In this publication, Rohde & Schwarz experts review the challenges that mode-agile (WARM) radar and EW threat emitters pose to traditional static threat library implementations in radar and EW systems, and consider the architecture of cognitive artificial intelligence and machine learning systems that can be used to deliver effective RF countermeasures.

How to Power SiC or IGBT Half Bridges in EVs

This Skyworks white paper discusses the role of holdover and its evolution from legacy SONET/SDH networks, which depend on frequency synchronization up to modern 5G mobile telecommunication which depend on frequency, phase, and time synchronization using IEEE 1588.
Mini Circuits

Filtering Solutions for 5G C-Band Interference with Radar Altimeter Receivers

Recent debate about potential interference between 5G network equipment operating in C-band frequencies and radar altimeter (RA) receivers onboard commercial aircraft has highlighted the need for high-Q filtering solutions in crowded spectral environments. This paper presents two Mini-Circuits filters fabricated using ceramic resonator and cavity technologies designed specifically to eliminate interference by 5G C-Band emissions when incorporated either within or in line with the RA assembly.

The Journey to Full-Scale Semiconductor Packaging

The journey from concept to full-scale semiconductor packaging is often hindered by a number of different obstacles along the way including everything from diverse teams scattered across the world to simply not understanding how the manufacturing process of die bonding, wire bonding or vacuum reflow impacts the package design and vice versa.

eGuide: Analyzing Radar Signals with an Oscilloscope from Rohde & Schwarz

Learn more about an ideal lab setup, the radar signal channel analysis, the triggering and demodulation as well as the phase-measurements in multi-channels and the debugging of correlated radar-signals. Download the Rohde & Schwarz eGuide.

Getting Started: An Introduction to Inductor Specifications

There is more to selecting an inductor than the nominal inductance value. To ensure your choice will perform in your application, you need to give careful consideration to inductance tolerance, current ratings, DCR, operating temperature and efficiency under specific conditions. This paper provides students and anyone new to inductors with an overview of the key performance ratings they will need to understand when specifying RF and Power Inductors.

Understanding the Performance Aspects of Different Filter Topologies

Radio Frequency (RF) Filters are necessary for filtering out unwanted signals from equipment such as wireless and satellite communications, radar and broadcasting applications and transmit and receive modules. This paper explores filter topologies, effectiveness of the filters and market applications.

NewSpace Gateway and User Terminal Testing Challenges

Satellite communication systems combine features from cellular networks and wireless technologies. New constellations are under development that attempt to provide ubiquitous mobility and internet networks via satellites, ground stations and user terminals. Each link in the supply chain presents challenges for R&D, production and deployment for the components and system development.

Ultra-Wideband For Dummies® E-Book

This book reveals how UWB will shape the world around us and help businesses, consumers, and industries. It delivers a general understanding of UWB and the different topologies used based on the application. It also paints the picture of a UWB enabled world with current, and future, applications. Download your copy.