White Papers

Wireless InSite 2.6 - New Capabilities Overview

We have a presentation available on our website that highlights Wireless InSite’s new capabilities. This short slideshow provides a more detailed look at the features the new release has to offer.

The Quest for a Rugged Transistor

Post webinar white paper for attendees

3GPP FDD and LTE Multicell and Multi-UE Scenarios with the R&S SMU200A Signal Generator

This application note describes how to set up 3GPP FDD and LTE multicell and multi-UE scenarios with the R&S®SMU200A with a focus on routing and leveling of the baseband signals. Furthermore, it describes in detail how to determine the correct AWGN settings, i.e. how to calculate the required signal-to-noise ratio for the various scenarios.

Synchronous Ethernet Timing Solutions

Valpey Fisher has developed a series of products for Sync-E applications that specifically address both Jitter Transfer and Jitter Generation issues. VF products use a “crystal based” internal reference clock and an extremely narrow loop filter to produce the best performance solutions available in the industry today.

Voice and SMS in LTE

This white paper summarizes the technology options for supporting voice and short message service (SMS) in LTE, including circuit switched fallback (CSFB), SMS over SGs, and voice over LTE (VoLTE).

Channel Sounding in White Space Spectrum

The aim of channel sounding is to characterize a radio channel by decomposing the radio propagation path into its individual multipath components. This application note provided by Neul describes how channel sounding can be performed using the R&S SMBV100A Vector Signal Generator and the R&S FSL Spectrum Analyzer. To illustrate the procedure reference is made to 8 MHz wide white space channels in the UK.

High Repeatability Voltage Variable Attenuator

A common function present in most RF and Microwave systems is the electronically controlled variable attenuator. At Valpey Fisher Corporation, improvements to two key areas of the MCM approach have been made resulting in lower attenuation error.

Considerations When Specifying Frequency Control Modules and

Today, we have continually increasing needs to move, recover, and decode data in smaller bandwidths and shorter time slots with reduced errors. We also want to detect higher resolution information in a physical world of increasing electrical interference.

A Jitter Attenuator For Synchronous Ethernet Applications

While Synchronous Optical Networks (SONET) have been widely adopted for use in long-haul applications, Ethernet is preferred in edge routers and access points due to its lower cost.

802.11ac Technology Introduction

802.11ac provides mechanisms to increase throughput and user experience of existing WLAN and will build on 802.11n-2009.