Require Registration

LDMOS Technology Solid-state Transmitter for MIDS Communications System

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Concepts of Orthogonal Frequency Domain Modulation (OFDM)

By Dave Whipple, Agilent Technologies

Interference Mitigation Using Narrowband Filters

By Manny Assurian, Ray Hashemi and Jim Assurian, Reactel Inc.

Turn up the Heat: An Electrical-Thermal MMIC Design Flow

Nov. 2011 White paper

Noise Figure Measurement without a Noise Source on a Vector Network Analyzer

This application note describes the noise figure measurement using the R&S Vector Network Analyzers of the ZVA and ZVT series. It explains the concept of measuring noise figure without the need for a characterized noise source. Furthermore, it discusses different measurement applications and the respective setup and implications. Some examples guide through the instrument setups and show measurement results as well.

TETRA Measurements

TETRA, the TErrestrial Trunked RAdio, is the professional mobile radio standard (PMR) used world wide by governmental safety and security authorities and organizations, as well as by private utilities from energy suppliers through to transport. Rohde & Schwarz provide test instruments idealy suited for both the development and production of TETRA base stations and user equipment, as well as for network planning, network coverage and quality of service, network monitoring and optimization, maintenance, and service. This Application Note shows examples for measurements with R&S instruments covering the entire range of TETRA test requirements.