V Technical Textiles, Inc.

Company Profile

V Technical Textiles serves the aerospace, automotive, communication, consumer, medical and military sectors. We design and manufacture innovative custom conductive textile product based EMI/RF shielding solutions used to mitigate EMI and RF interference. These solutions allow our customers to develop different types of electronic devices, allowing them to function smoothly together in a shared electromagnetic environment. VTT also fabricates commercial portable EMI/RF enclosures/Faraday tents that are used by EMI test labs, government agencies, and private industry for pre-compliance and In-Situ testing of electronic devices for EMI/RF emissions in order to receive certification of their electronic integrity. At V Technical Textiles, Inc., our flexibility is our strength, we provide a lightweight portable solution to heavyweight problems.

Contact Information:

Title: Chief Technical Officer
Phone: (315)597 1674


V Technical Textiles, Inc.
4502 Route 31
Palmyra NY 14522
United States