Anokiwave (now Qorvo)

Company Profile


Anokiwave is a fabless semiconductor company providing highly integrated millimeter-wave silicon ICs to enable large scale commercialization of phased array active antennas for 5G, SATCOM, and RADAR markets. Anokiwave brings unique, industry-leading, Silicon IC technology and system level support to help companies develop high performance and cost-effective phased arrays with first pass-success. Anokiwave is innovative, reliable and committed to superior quality with ISO 9001:2015 certification. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority.


mmW Silicon ICs

Intelligent Array IC Solutions™

mmW Algorithms to Antennas™

Contact Information:

Title: VP Sales
Phone: 858-792-9910


Anokiwave (now Qorvo)
5355 Mira Sorrento Place
San Diego CA 92121
United States

Anokiwave Gen 2 Ku-Band Silicon Beamformer ICs for SATCOM

Anokiwave has released its second-generation Ku-Band beamformer ICs for the satellite communications market. The AWMF-0146 receive and AWMF-0147 transmit ICs provide beamforming for phased array antennas in commercial ground and airborne terminals connecting to LEO, MEO and GEO satellites.

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Anokiwave at IEEE IMS2019

Celebrating its 20th anniversary as a company, Anokiwave features the industry’s most complete portfolio of mmWave silicon ICs for active antennas.

Anokiwave Inc. will continue its presence at the IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS2019) to be held June 2-7, 2019 in Boston, Mass. with participation in the 5G Summit and at the exposition in Booth 223.

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Anokiwave Announces Expansion in Taiwan


Anokiwave announced the opening of its latest office, in the Xinyi District in Taipei, Taiwan, to provide sales and application engineering support and deepen Anokiwave's engagement with local distribution partners.

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Anokiwave Joins 5G O-RAN Alliance

Anokiwave Inc. has joined the 5G Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) alliance as a contributing member, supporting its vision of open, interoperable interfaces to maximize using common off-the-shelf hardware.

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Anokiwave Inc. Announces its Expansion in Billerica, Mass.

Anokiwave announced the expansion of the Billerica, Mass. design center into a newly remodeled office to accommodate the company’s rapid growth in highly integrated IC solutions for 5G communications, mobile SATCOM  and aerospace and defense markets that require mmWave Active Antenna based solutions.

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Anokiwave Inc. and JS Commtech Sign S. Korea Representative Agreement

Anokiwave Inc., an innovative company providing highly integrated IC solutions for mmW markets and Active Antenna based solutions, announced that they have signed a representative agreement with JS Commtech in South Korea. The agreement aligns with Anokiwave’s goal to support new customers and opportunities for our highly-integrated Active Antenna Core IC solutions in South Korea.

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Anokiwave Inc. Names Vincent Pelliccia VP, Business Development

Anokiwave Inc., an innovative company providing highly integrated IC solutions for mmW markets and active antenna based solutions, announced the appointment of Vincent E. Pelliccia as vice president, business development. This appointment comes at a strategic time for Anokiwave with tremendous opportunities to grow its business into the rapidly developing mmW 5G, radar, satcom and stratellite markets.

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Anokiwave extends SATCOM core IC family with Ka-Band Tx solution

Anokiwave Inc., an innovative company providing highly integrated core IC solutions for mmW markets and AESA based terminals, announced the worldwide release of the Ka-Band Tx Core IC family for earth terminal SATCOM applications. This Tx IC family coupled with Anokiwave’s K-Band SATCOM Rx ICs provide a complete K/Ka-Band earth terminal solution enabling auto-alignment of fixed earth terminals and auto pointing for SATCOM on the move applications using GEO satellite space assets.

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Anokiwave introduces X-Band front-end IC

Anokiwave Inc., an innovative company providing highly integrated core IC solutions for mmW markets and AESA based solutions, announced it has extended its X-band IC product line with the addition of the AWMF-0106 Front End IC. This product release completes the family of X-band Radar solutions for commercial radar and 5G communications markets.

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Silicon 5G ICs

Anokiwave, now Qorvo’s silicon 5G ICs offer OEMs a unique combination of highest linear output power, PAE% efficiency, and signal chain level integration to enable mmW 5G active antennas.

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5G Gen-2 Silicon Quad Core IC Family

Anokiwave announced the availability of the complete 5G Gen-2 Silicon Quad Core IC family that enables 3GPP compliant base stations. The 5G-Gen 2 IC family now supports all major 5G mmW bands – 24/26 GHz, 28 GHz, and 37/39 GHz.

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Anokiwave's Silicon IC Family for 5G Supports 3GPP Compliance

Anokiwave announced the first product in a family of second-generation 5G silicon quad core ICs that enable 3GPP-compliant base stations.  The AWMF-0156 operates from 37.1 to 40.0 GHz, supports four radiating elements and includes gain and phase controls for analog beam steering. 

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5G 256-Element Active Antenna Innovator’s Kit

Anokiwave has expanded its 5G Active Antenna family with the introduction of the AWA-0134-IK, a 256-element reconfigurable Active Antenna array. The AWA-0134 can act as a single beam 256-element array or as a four beam 64 element array that enables 4x4 MIMO. 

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Anokiwave, Ball Aerospace Enable Future of Wireless with Phased Array Antenna Innovator Kits

Anokiwave, Inc. and Ball Aerospace announced a collaboration on May 9, 2017 that will enable the 5G wireless revolution. The collaboration accelerates mmWave 5G phased array developments with the introduction of a family of commercial, active phased array Innovator Kits. Included are kit offerings like the 64-element, 28 GHz AWMF-0129 enable improved mmWave 5G network efficiency and ease of developing commercial phased array antennas.

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Phased Array Antenna Innovator Kit: AWMF-0129

Anokiwave announced the introduction of the first in a family of Phased Array Antenna Innovator’s Kits, the AWMF-0129, driven by the Anokiwave AWMF-0108 28GHz 5G Quad Core IC with embedded functions for remote telemetry and low-latency steering™. The AWMF-0129 is a 64-element, single polarization 5G phased array antenna designed to cover the 27.5 to 30 GHz frequency band. It is a planar antenna that can be used either as a stand-alone component, or combined and synchronized with other arrays.

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Flexible Multi-Function Silicon ICs

200_200_anokiwave_022817Introducing flexible multi-function silicon ICs for mmW communication and sensing applications.  The ICs are for active arrays intended for SATCOM, RADAR, and TDD/FDD applications.  The devices have switchable outputs and can support half-duplex operation.  The AWMF-0117 operates at 10.5 to 16 GHz and the AWMF-0116 operates at 26 to 30 GHz. 

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Active Antenna ICs

200x200_stdprodAnokiwave offers a family of Active Antenna ICs at X and K/Ka-bands for 5G, commercial RADAR, and SATCOM markets.  Supported with expert systems engineering and optimal technology solutions, our highly integrated Core ICs and System-in-Package solutions provide our customers the fastest-time-to-market. Anokiwave’s patent-pending IP blocks implemented in silicon technology enable low-cost hybrid beam forming. 

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Expanded Ka-band Tx Core IC Family

AWMF-0109Anokiwave Inc. announced the worldwide release of the Ka-band Tx Core IC family for earth terminal SATCOM applications. This Tx IC family coupled with Anokiwave’s K-band SATCOM Rx ICs provide a complete K/Ka-band earth terminal solution enabling auto-alignment of fixed earth terminals and auto pointing for SATCOM on the move applications using GEO satellite space assets.

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Ka-Band Transceiver Quad Core IC : AWMF-0108

qfn_AWMF_0108_800Anokiwave announces the world’s first Ka-band Transceiver Quad Core IC for 5G wireless networks.  The AWMF-0108 operates at 27.5 to 30 GHz, supports 4 Tx/Rx radiating elements, includes all requisite beam steering controls for 5-bit phase/gain control, and operates in half duplex, enabling a single antenna to support both Tx and Rx operation.  Additional features include gain compensation over temperature, temperature reporting.

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X-Band Front End IC: AWMF-0106

AWMF-0106Anokiwave Inc. announced it has extended its X-band IC product line with the addition of the AWMF-0106 front end IC. This product release completes the family of X-band radar solutions for commercial radar and 5G communications markets. The AWMF-0106 is an integrated power amplifier; low noise amplifier, limiter, and T/R switch intended to provide a low noise, medium power front end for the Anokiwave AWS-0103 and AWS-0105 high Rx input linearity X-band core IC solutions.

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Two ICs for Single-Beam Rx and Tx: AWS-0104 / AWS-0105

PR-Anokiwave_X-Band-Family-products-01Anokiwave has added two devices (AWS-0104 / AWS-0105) to complete its family of X-band AESA core IC solutions for commercial radar and 5G communications markets. Each IC architecture in the family includes an integrated 4-channel beamformer, LNA and PA supporting 4 radiating elements. The ICs feature either a low noise figure or a high input linearity, and they are further divided by dual beam Rx/single beam Tx, or single beam Rx/single beam Tx.

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Family of X-Band AESA Core IC Solutions

x_band_family_200Anokiwave Inc. announced it has extended its X-Band Quad Core IC family with two new ICs for single beam Rx and Tx. This release completes the family of X-band Silicon Radar Quad Core IC solutions for commercial radar and 5G communications markets. Each IC architecture in the family includes an integrated 4 channel beamformer, LNA, and PA supporting 4 radiating elements. The ICs feature either a low noise figure or a high input linearity.

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