I am here at the IEEE EMC 2008 Symposium in Detroit, MI and the attendance seems relatively light but the quality of attendees very good. Three companies are anchoring the exhibition as you enter; AR, ETS Lingren and Rohde & Schwarz. From a RF/microwave perspective, AR is featuring its high power amplifiers such as its 700 W .8 to 4.2 GHz CW, 120 W 4 to 8 GHz CW and 20 W 10 to 20 GHz CW units. ETS Lingren and R & S are actually overlapping their booths showing how they can combine their hardware and software to create complete system solutions for various industries such as automotive EMC solutions. ETS Lingren also is featuring their wide range of antennas and R & S is showing off their ESL EMI test receiver for cost conscious users who want to perform precise precompliance and diagnostic measurements up to 3 or 6 GHz.
The technical program is very strong with various workshops and a wide range of technical conference subjects including design, modeling/simulation, measurement/test, shielding and product safety. Next year the event will be in Austin, TX and hopes to expand more each year.