MW calculator lite is the lite and free version of the microwave tool box with the following tools:
- PI and T attenuator calculator
- Reflectometer calculator
- Mismatch error limits calculator
MW calculator is a microwave tool box with the following tools:
- PI and T attenuator calculator
- Reflectometer calculator
- Mismatch error limits calculator
- Microstrip calculator
- Stripline calculator
- Coplanar waveguide calculator
- Power and voltage converter
- Field intensity and power density converter
You will find the applications in the Android Market and more information can be found on his web site at http://www.mwave-design.nl/mw/index.php?title=Android.
At IMS 2010, Agilent launched the Agilent MicroWave calculator to help calculate the errors in microwave measurements. It consists of Directivity Error Calculator, Mismatch Error Limit Calculator, and Ratio-to-dB Calculator. The Directivity Error Calculator shows the accuracy of a reflection measurement of unknown impedance based upon the directivity of the coupler used for the measurement. The Mismatch Error Limit Calculator shows the potential error in a transmission measurement due to imperfect source match and load match. The Ratio-to-dB Calculator simply converts between voltage ratio, power ratio, and dB.
It can be downloaded at http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/microwave-calculator/id369705771?mt=8.
Please let us know if there are RF/microwave related tools that you would like to have in an app. What other mobile phone apps have you seen that would be useful to microwave engineers? This should be a very interesting area to watch as new apps are developed for our industry.