5G Voice Over New Radio (VoNR)

This white paper provides in-depth guidance in navigating 5G VoNR from the network deployment and the connectivity options aimed at not only supporting VoNR, but also ensuring the data services that VoNR should enable. A brief summary is also provided on the signaling parameters for both the network and UE side.

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EMI Debugging with Oscilloscopes

This application note offers a straightforward description of how to analyze EMI problems using the Rohde & Schwarz Oscilloscopes. The discussion begins by covering the basic mechanisms that can result in unwanted RF emissions and then describes how to proceed in analyzing EMI problems. Finally, a practical example is given to illustrate the analysis process.

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Understanding and Selecting Power Sensors

This primer outlines the basics of RF power sensors and highlights a few key characteristics that will help you select the best one for each application. The educational note has three parts: choosing the right type of sensor, attributes of sensor performance, and we outline three ways to integrate a sensor into your measurement application.

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How to Measure and Reduce Common Mode EMI in Electric Drive Installations

Nowadays, electric machines are often driven by power electronic converters. Even though the use of converters brings with it a variety of advantages, common mode (CM) signals are a frequent problem in many installations. Common mode voltages induced by the converter drive common mode currents damage the motor bearings over time and significantly reduce the lifetime of the drive.

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