
A Practical Guide to Load Pull Measurements

Featuring a curated collection of articles and papers spanning several years, the eBook, "A Practical Guide to Load Pull Measurements," is a comprehensive resource that covers critical load pull methods, applications, and measurement setups. From fundamental concepts to advanced techniques, learn how load pull optimizes the performance of RF/microwave systems.

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How Are 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks Driving Satellite Link Impairment and Hardware-In-The-Loop Emulation?

In this whitepaper, explore the typical implementation of link emulators for low-Earth orbit (LEO) and other satellite paths, including trans-lunar orbits. Readers will also discover how 5G non-terrestrial network (NTN) modeling and emerging hardware-in-the-loop impairment modeling is driving the next generation of link emulators, such as the Maury Microwave ACE9600 Advanced Channel Emulator of the dBm product line. Lastly, this whitepaper will present a high-level overview of current industry 5G partnerships and broadband data networks.  

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