Articles by Rohde & Schwarz

How to Measure and Reduce Common Mode EMI in Electric Drive Installations

Nowadays, electric machines are often driven by power electronic converters. Even though the use of converters brings with it a variety of advantages, common mode (CM) signals are a frequent problem in many installations. Common mode voltages induced by the converter drive common mode currents damage the motor bearings over time and significantly reduce the lifetime of the drive.

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Avionics – Digital Design and Bus Interface Testing

The Rohde & Schwarz®FSWP is a modern, digital signal processing based, phase-noise test set that performs many tasks in parallel in an effort to improve measurements speed. However, several measurement settings drastically affect measurement speed. This paper will discuss these settings and provide suggestions on improving overall measurement speed.

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Rohde and Schwarz

Improving R&S®FSWP Measurement Speed

The Rohde & Schwarz®FSWP is a modern, digital signal processing based, phase-noise test set that performs many tasks in parallel in an effort to improve measurements speed. However, several measurement settings drastically affect measurement speed. This paper will discuss these settings and provide suggestions on improving overall measurement speed.

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