Articles by Technology Business Research, Inc.

New research on telecom infrastructure services addressable market forecast

According to Technology Business Research Inc.’s latest Global Telecom Infrastructure Services (TIS) Addressable Market Forecast (AMF), covering the full year 2013, the TIS market grew 2% year-to-year to $96.9 billion in 2013, driven by LTE deployments in the U.S., but growth will slow to just above 1% going forward. Chris Antlitz, a senior analyst in TBR’s Networking and Mobility Practice, said, “The TIS market will be driven by services that enable LTE deployment in the early years of the forecast, but will decline starting in 2016. Professional services will then pick up the slack as operators shift focus to implementing new business models that monetize their broadband networks and reducing capex and opex spend by employing SDN and NFV.”

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