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A Recap of the Panel Discussion on Measurement-Based Behavioral Models at the 2010 CSIC Symposium
The upcoming Nonlinear Characterization Expert Forum at this year's MTT-S IMS MicroApps will be moderated by Joe Gering of RFMD. Read Joe's recap of a similar panel discussion which took place last year at the Compound Semiconductor IC symposium featuring David Root (Agilent Technologies), Paul Tasker (Cardiff University), Mike Golio (Golio Consulting), Yusuke Tajima (Auriga Microwave), Gayle Collins (Freescale Semiconductor), and Ed Anthony (Skyworks Solutions). CSICS2010 Nonlinear Panel Recap
The Nonlinear Characterization Expert Panel at MTT-S IMS MicroApps (Organized by Microwave Journal and the IMS MicroApps Steering Commitee) Live: Baltimore - June 8, 12:00 to 1:30 pm Details and registration for FREE webcast