EuMW 2015 Welcome Reception: Freedom of Speech

The motto of European Microwave Week 2015 is Freedom through Microwaves, which addresses the concept of modern living where microwave technologies are opening up new frontiers that will govern how individuals and objects communicate, sense and move. In particular there is major interest in the development and evolution of the ‘Connected Humans’ concept where there is potential for the microwave community to play a significant role as we look towards Horizon 2020.

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Agilent leads celebrations as EuMW 2013 breaks records

By the time that Agilent Technologies celebrated its tenth year as Platinum Sponsors of EuMW with the annual Welcome Reception at the Nuremberg Convention Centre, the record for the total number of unique delegates at European Microwave Week 2013 had been surpassed, backing up the unrivalled number of unique exhibiting companies demonstrating their latest innovations on the show floor.

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