Software EDA Channel - Press Releases, Events, and Announcements for the EDA Sector

Technion students design synthetic aperture radar simulator using NI AWR Design Environment

The students at Technion—Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel have successfully designed a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) using NI AWR Design Environment™. The design challenge was to build an efficient, easy-to-use SAR simulator that would connect to MATLAB for signal processing and that could handle many targets on the surface and then use MATLAB to calculate the object shapes.

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Keysight introduces multi-emitter signal simulation reference solution

Keysight Technologies Inc. announced a cost-effective reference solution for creating multi-emitter signal environments used for electronic warfare (EW) simulation and test. The Multi-Emitter Scenario Generator Reference Solution, another in a series of Keysight Reference Solutions, is based on multiple coherent N5193A UXG agile signal generators.

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Passive Plus offers the Modelithics Passive Plus component library as free 90-day trial

Passive Plus Inc. (PPI), a Modelithics® Vendor Partner (MVP), is now offering design engineers a Free 90-Day Trial license for the Modelithics PPI Component Library. This will provide PPI customers access to extremely accurate scalable simulation models for Passive Plus capacitors with advanced features that enable a more precise and rapid design process.

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Keysight's latest release of semiconductor device modeling and characterization software

Keysight Technologies Inc. announced the newest release of its industry-leading device modeling and characterization software suite: Integrated Circuits Characterization and Analysis Program (IC-CAP) 2016, Model Builder Program (MBP) 2016, and Model Quality Assurance (MQA) 2016. The software release provides designers characterizing and modeling semiconductor devices with further advances in modeling and characterization efficiency.

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