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A Modern Militarized Rubidium Frequency Standard

Development of a new generation of rubidium frequency standards for use in tactical military applications
Product Features A Modern Militarized Rubidium Frequency Standard Datum Inc. Beverly, MA The last decade has seen widespread use of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) electronic equipment in military applications, allowing modern technology to be utilized quickly and less expensively. For the most part, this process has been successful provided that the...
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An Eight-channel YIG-tuned Frequency Synthesizer Array

Development of a new YIG-based frequency synthesizer array that provides up to eight independent frequency channels
Product Feature An Eight-channel YIG-tuned Frequency Synthesizer Array Micro Lambda Wireless Inc. Fremont, CA Low phase noise is a staple of modern communication systems signal sources. For that reason system designers prefer yttrium iron garnet (YIG)-based sources. In addition, many of today's communications systems are required to operate at...
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A Low Cost Oscillator for Fiber-optic Applications

Introduction to a new oscillator for use in synchronous optical network applications
Product Feature A Low Cost Oscillator for Fiber-optic Applications A new, low cost oscillator has been introduced for use in synchronous optical network (SONET/SDH) OC-192 applications. The new frequency source utilizes an ultra-low noise active device technology that allows the oscillator to achieve very low overall phase noise performance....
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Output Power Improvement of a Push-push FET DRO by Using an Additional DR

Measurement of the output power level and phase noise property of nine conventional push-push dielectric resonator oscillators (DRO) incorporating an additional DR
Technical Note Output Power Improvement of a Push-push FET DRO by Using an Additional DR In this article, the output power level and phase noise properties of nine conventional push-push dielectric resonator oscillators (DRO) have been experimentally investigated while adding an identical dielectric resonator (DR) at the drain ports....
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A Portable Base Station Installation and Commissioning Test System

Introduction to a base transceiver station test system capable of providing adaptable on-site testing for the verification of transmit and receive paths of base stations
Product Feature A Portable Base Station Installation and Commissioning Test System Racal Instruments Limited Slough, UK Testing in the field puts singular rigorous demands on both the engineer and test equipment used, with the installation and commissioning of field installed base stations presenting particular challenges. Specific considerations include being...
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A Complete Spectral System Analysis for RF/Microwave Engineers

A new spectral domain system simulator is featured
Cover Feature A Complete Spectral System Analysis for RF/Microwave Engineers Eagleware Corp. Norcross, GA Historically, RF and microwave system designers have been forced to resort to a hodgepodge of commercial and custom-written software to characterize and simulate the frequency-domain behavior of complex RF systems and subsystems. This approach tends...
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A New Wideband Family of Oscillators

Introduction to a new line of voltage controlled oscillators designed to increase power and widen bandwidth by incorporating multiple tuned circuits
Product Feature A New Wideband Family of Oscillators Vari-L Co. Inc. Denver, CO Modern communication systems are designed to handle ever increasing amounts of data by utilizing more bandwidth and more sophisticated modulation schemes. Voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) are used in almost all radio and RF applications including cell...
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Measurement of On-wafer Transistor Noise Parameters Without a Tuner Using Unrestricted Noise Sources

Presentation of a method for calibrating the four noise parameters of a noise receiver that does not require a tuner
Technical Feature Measurement of On-wafer Transistor Noise Parameters Without a Tuner Using Unrestricted Noise Sources This article presents a method for calibrating the four noise parameters of a noise receiver which does not require a tuner. The method permits using general (mismatched) noise sources, which may present very different...
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Two-tone vs. Single-tone Measurement of Second-order Nonlinearity

Use of a method to correctly locate the second-order intercept point (IP2) from one- and two-tone tests
Technical Feature Two-tone vs. Single-tone Measurement of Second-order Nonlinearity Darioush Agahi, William Domino and Nooshin Vakilian Conexant Systems Inc. Newport Beach, CA This article describes how to correctly find the second-order intercept point (IP2) from one- and two-tone tests, and presents measurement results in support of the theory. Relation...
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Low Phase Noise SiGe Voltage-controlled Oscillators for Wireless Applications

Description of transmit and receive voltage-controlled oscillator design solutions developed in high performance SiGe technology
Technical Feature Low Phase Noise SiGe Voltage-controlled Oscillators for Wireless Applications A low phase noise voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) is one of the critical circuits in modern telecommunications systems. In recent years, silicon germanium (SiGe) BiCMOS technology has become one of the most promising technologies for VCO designs. This article...
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