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Frequency Matters, Oct 25: Issue Products, Mini-Circuits Interview, News/Events

Interview with Steve Warntjes, Global VP of Product Development at Mini-Circuits

Microwave Journal Editors Pat Hindle and Gary Lerude cover the products in the Oct Passive and Control Components themed issue, interview Mini-Circuits' Global VP of Product Development, Steve Warntjes, about their new VNA, cover industry news with new acquisitions and IMS/EuMW credits just announced.

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Maury Microwave Announces Acquisition of dBmCorp

Maury Microwave, Inc. backed by Artemis Capital Partners, announced that it has completed the acquisition of dBmCorp, Inc. Founded in 1999, dBm is a leading designer and manufacturer of wireless link emulation equipment used for research & development, qualification and production verification testing in the satellite and wireless communication industries.

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