RF & Microwave Industry News


4G and 5G are changing the RF front-end industry landscape: what are the next steps?

 “The RF front end modules and components market for cellphones is highly dynamic”, asserts Claire Troadec, Activity Leader, RF Devices & Technologies at Yole Développement (Yole). And she adds:” From being worth US$10.1billion last year, it is expected to reach U$22.7 billion in 2022.” Such high growth is definitely something that players in other semiconductor markets would envy: a market that will more than double in six years! However, the growth is not evenly distributed… 

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Keysight Technologies to Help Accelerate Deployment of IoT Technology Using Qualcomm™ Technologies’ LTE IoT Modems

Keysight Technologies, Inc. announced their plan to help accelerate the deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. IoT capabilities is expected to help connect billions of devices with applications—such as smart homes, connected cars, healthcare and smart cities; as well as industrial applications, including energy systems, agriculture and transportation.

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GigPeak GX66471

GigPeak Announces Quad, 64 GBd Linear Modulator Driver

GigPeak, Inc. announced a 64 GBd quad-channel linear optical modulator driver for 400G/600G coherent optical networks. The GX66471 will support 16- and 64-QAM, addressing the needs of both 400G and 600G systems. It has a differential input and single-end output, with a 4.5 Vpp output swing for driving lithium niobate Mach-Zehnder modulators.

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Custom MMIC Tech Brief

New Tech Brief: How Phase Noise Affects Radar and Communications Systems

Custom MMIC has published a free technical brief, “Addressing Your Phase Noise Challenges in Radar and Communication Systems,” illuminating key aspects of how phase noise impacts signal quality in radar and communication systems. The tech brief provides insight into product solutions that can be used in radar and communication systems that are phase noise constrained.

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