RF & Microwave Industry News

Defining Moment for EADS and French MoD

The French armaments directorate (DGA) has selected EADS Defence & Security (DS) to carry out preparatory work for the development of an operational system consisting of army networks for latest-generation telecommunications, entitled Système Opérationnel Composé des Réseaux des Armées pour les TElécommunications Nouvelle Génération (SOCRATE NG). Within the scope...
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European Security Organisation Launched

A group of major European players in the security sector has announced their intention to launch the European Organisation for Security— EOS—which is the private sector’s response in support of the European Commission initiative: European Security Research and Innovation Forum (ESRIF). The Organisation has two main aims: to promote...
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Small Development Helps ESA Think Big

The European Space Agency (ESA) has signed a €100 M framework contract with OHB-System AG of Germany to develop a European Small Geostationary Satellite platform for telecommunication missions. With this initiative, ESA is supporting European industry in broadening the product portfolio range on offer to the commercial telecommunication satellite...
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Raytheon Receives Approval for Precision Placement of NPOESS Antennae

Raytheon Co. received approval of its environmental assessment from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for precision placement of two National Polar-orbiting Operational Environment Satellite System (NPOESS) SafetyNet&trede;data-receipt antennae at the McMurdo Bay research station in Antarctica. This milestone will enable construction to begin on the NPOESS antennae or receptor...
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Hawai'i: Where Aloha Lives

Aloha! Hawai'i welcomes all participants of the 2007 International Microwave Symposium (IMS). The traditional Hawaiian greeting of aloha is often accompanied with song (mele) and dance (hula) and the adornment of fragrant garlands of flowers (lei). However, aloha is more than just a salutation; it embodies the essence of...
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