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The Antenna Company announced it has appointed Norm Smith as VP of Sales to lead the company’s Sales and Business Development efforts, with an emphasis on IoT and 5G applications.
The big news in the RFID industry at the start of 2022 was Walmart's announcement—the leading retailer revealed plans to expand RFID use from retail apparel to other retail departments, IDTechEx discusses.
Otava, Inc. announced that 5G mmWave solutions provider TMY Technology (TMYTEK) has chosen Otava’s OTFL tunable bandpass filters for inclusion in its communications satellite subsystems.
Microwave Journal editors Pat Hindle and Gary Lerude cover the products in the May 5G and IMS themed issue, Interview Kerem Ok, Product Line Director at ADI about 5G mmWave market, industry news and IMS 2022 exhibition highlights.
With new options for maximum frequencies of 56 and 67 GHz, the R&S SMW200A from Rohde & Schwarz dramatically raises the limits for generating wide bandwidth digitally modulated signals of high quality.
Hughes Network Systems demonstrated two new technologies at the SATELLITE 2022, the first integrates GEO satellites and LTE transports into a single connection, the second for flat-panel antennas with a prototype for delivering LEO connectivity services.
Dell’Oro Group's preliminary findings suggest total Open RAN revenues, including O-RAN and Open RAN radio and baseband, surged in the first quarter 2022, propelling Open RAN to reach new record levels.
The State Department has made a determination approving a possible foreign military sale to the government of Egypt of TOW 2A RF missiles, support and related equipment for an estimated cost of $691 million.
A recently published report from Dell’Oro Group suggests the positive momentum that has characterized the RAN market over the past four years extended into the first quarter.
CPI has added a new solid-state power amplifier (SSPA) to its wide range of innovative products for defence, electronic warfare and radar applications.