RF & Microwave Industry News

Organic Ceramic Microwave Substrate Materials

Copper clad substrate material that is formulated to combine the property advantages of fluoropolymer organic chemistry with ceramic elements
PRODUCT FEATURE ORGANIC CERAMIC MICROWAVE SUBSTRATE MATERIALS TACONIC ADVANCED DIELECTRIC DIVISION Petersburgh, NY The ORCER family of copper clad substrate material is formulated to combine the property advantages of fluoropolymer organic chemistry with ceramic elements. The development of this technology has enabled the creation of a wide range of...
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Electronically Tunable RF Diplexers for Microwave Radio Applications

This month's cover features an electronically tuned RF duplexer for use in two-way microwave radio applications
COVER FEATURE ELECTRONICALLY TUNABLE RF DIPLEXERS FOR MICROWAVE RADIO APPLICATIONS PARATEK MICROWAVE INC. Columbia, MD Commercially available RF diplexers consist of two fixed bandpass filters sharing a common port. Signals applied to the common port are separated in accordance with the passband frequency of each filter network. Signals applied...
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Space-Qualified 1.2 mm Fiber Optic Cable

High performance fiber optic cable utilizing a patented polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) buffer layer
PRODUCT FEATURE SPACE-QUALIFIED 1.2 MM FIBER OPTIC CABLE W.L. GORE & ASSOCIATES INC. Newark, DE Fiber optic cable is gaining rapidly in use throughout both military and commercial systems. The very low loss and wide bandwidth provide a significant advantage where relatively long cable connections must be used. However,...
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Miniature SMD Quadrature Hybrids for Wireless Applications

A series of miniature three-port surface mount device 90° hybrid couplers developed for wireless applications
PRODUCT FEATURE MINIATURE SMD QUADRATURE HYBRIDS FOR WIRELESS APPLICATIONS SV MICROWAVE, COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS GROUP Largo, FL   A series of miniature three-port surface mount device (SMD) 90° hybrid couplers have been developed for wireless applications. The series currently comprises 12 individual components spanning an 824 to 5800 MHz frequency...
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An Object-Oriented Circuit Simulator

The basic software architectural guidelines of the APLAC circuit simulator program and its use of the fundamental volatage controlled current source element
TECHNICAL FEATURE AN OBJECT-ORIENTED CIRCUIT SIMULATOR Abstract: The basic ideas behind the circuit simulator and design tool APLAC are presented in this article. The chosen way of implementation of this circuit simulator is based initially on nodal formulation and gyrator transforms, leading to a very general and powerful architecture....
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Effective Circuit Design Techniques to Increase MOSFET Power Amplifier Efficiency

The use of laterally diffused metal oxide semi-conductor and vertically diffused metal oxide semi-conductor field-effect transistors for increased efficiency in commercial FM and TV power amplifiers
TECHNICAL FEATURE EFFECTIVE CIRCUIT DESIGN TECHNIQUES TO INCREASE MOSFET POWER AMPLIFIER EFFICIENCY ANDREY V. GREBENNIKOV Institute of Microelectronics Singapore Newly developed low cost and highly linear, high gain and high power laterally diffused metal oxide semi-conductor (LDMOS) and vertically diffused metal oxide semiconductor (VDMOS) field-effect transistors are attractive devices...
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Clock Recovery at Gigabit-Per-Second Data Rates

A review of electrial clock recovery techniques when bit rates of data signals in optical communications exceed 1 Gbps
TECHNICAL FEATURE CLOCK RECOVERY AT GIGABIT-PER-SECOND DATA RATES Abstract: Many devices used in high speed optical fiber terminal equipment are microwave electronic circuits. One such device is an electrical clock recovery circuit. Since bit rates of data signals in optical communications exceed 1 Gbps, the clock recovery technique becomes...
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Protection Against Dangerous Lightning Strikes and Their Secondary Effects

Proper lightning protection techniques to channel lightning and prevent the charge from accumulating in the first place
TECHNICAL NOTE PROTECTION AGAINST DANGEROUS LIGHTNING STRIKES AND THEIR SECONDARY EFFECTS Abstract: Traditional methods of lightning protection may actually increase the likelihood of lightning-related damage. The answer to proper lightning protection lies not in channeling lightning, but in preventing the charge from accumulating in the first place. This article...
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Three-Sampler Network Analyzer Calibrations

New calibration methods for three-sample analyzers
TECHNICAL FEATURE THREE-SAMPLER NETWORK ANALYZER CALIBRATIONS DRAGO KOSTEVC AND JOZE MLAKAR University of Ljubljana Ljubljana, Slovenia Calibration is the most important aspect of measurement with a network analyzer. The standard method for network analyzer calibration is short-open-load-through (SOLT) calibration.1 For calibration of four-sampler analyzers, the use of self-calibrating procedures...
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Designing for Power Amplifier Efficiency: Statistical Description of Signals

An exploration of the properties of baseband multicarrier signals
TECHNICAL FEATURE DESIGNING FOR POWER AMPLIFIER EFFICIENCY: STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF SIGNALS MICHAL ODYNIEC Agilent Technologies Inc. Santa Clara, CA Multichannel amplifiers have become ubiquitous in modern communications, including cellular, satellite and other wireless systems. While power efficiency is well understood for CW signals, the amplitude of multicarrier signals varies...
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