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The Georgia Tech Research Institute team has demonstrated TRAFFIC as a front-end reconfigurable filter and new efforts are on-going to leverage this technology as an analog signal conditioner within a self-interference cancelling system.
The Qorvo QPF4216 FEM is an energy efficient, high capacity device with a compact form factor for 802.11n-ax Wi-Fi systems needing minimal layout area.
Mini-Circuits and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory announced that the National Science Foundation has awarded a Partnerships for Innovation grant to fund the joint proof-of-concept development of LTCC reflectionless filters for mmWave applications.
The new SoC series provides advanced RF signal processing with expanded digital functionality and RF capacity that greatly improves 5G RU performance and energy efficiency.
TMY Technology, Inc. launched a 5G mmWave developer kit for academics and R&D, is perfect for courseware preparation, communication system prototyping and array antenna verification.
Isola Group, a global innovator in materials for printed-circuit boards (PCBs), has announced its low-loss I-Tera® MT40 circuit materials supporting multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs) for military- and commercial-grade low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites.
OpenRF Version 1.0.0 specification provides the groundwork for RF front-end to chipset interoperability including a software development environment for advanced feature sets.
The MwT-PH8F AlGaAs/InGaAs pHEMT delivers 30 dBm Psat at 12 GHz and is ideally suited to applications requiring high-gain and medium linear power up to 18 GHz.