White Papers

Using Baluns and RF Components for Impedance Matching

Impedance mismatch in a circuit results in energy be¬ing reflected back to the source, reducing the amount of power available to the load and possibly causing damage to the power source. Matching the output impedance of the power source to the input impedance of an electrical load maximizes power transfer from source to load.

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Improve Antenna Alignment with Handheld Spectrum Analyzers

Sometimes the most obvious aspect of radio link deployment is overlooked. It’s also the one that has the greatest potential for improvement. Antenna alignment is the part of link deployment that cannot be ignored or performance will suffer. Despite its importance, many people in the industry lack knowledge about the specifics of aligning radios properly.

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Designing BUC/SSPAs for Airborne Applications

As we witness the evolution of integrated communication, we also observe the increased number of requirements for airborne microwave transmission, ranging from satellite to air-to-ground CDL band communications. Airborne applications introduce many challenging design constraints including increased temperature ranges, thermal management, vibration and shock, EMC/EMI, power requirements, and safety, all while maintaining portability as a key factor.

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