Articles Tagged with ''asia''

LTE RAN a bright spot while overall wireless infrastructure revenues reach a 9 year low

Wireless infrastructure equipment revenues continued their downward trend in the second quarter of 2012 reaching only $11.2 billion – a 4.7 percent decrease from the first quarter of 2012 and a 14 percent decrease from the same quarter one year ago. “Total revenues for wireless network equipment reported by the vendors was the lowest amount that we have seen since 3Q 2003; reaching a 35 quarter low,” says Nick Marshall, principal analyst, networks.

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Rogers appoints new president of Asia region

Rogers Corp. announced the appointment of Helen Zhang as President of Asia Region to oversee the company’s growing business in Greater China and throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Zhang will be responsible for driving Rogers’ growth strategy in Asia across the company’s three core businesses of printed circuit materials, power electronics solutions and high performance foams. 

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