Articles Tagged with ''software''

Exelis delivers critical GPS satellite simulation software

Exelis successfully completed factory acceptance testing for the Global Positioning System (GPS) III navigation payload simulator software. Developed by Exelis, the software will simulate the behavior of GPS signals in space, which will be used for testing the U.S. Air Force's next generation GPS ground station known as the operational control system (OCX). The simulator will be integrated into the Raytheon-developed GPS System Simulator (GSYS) within OCX.

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VTI partners with Maya HTT to substantially upgrade "Test for I-DEAS"

VTI Instruments is pleased to announce VTI's partnership with Maya HTT for the newly upgraded Test for I-DEAS. This partnership provides customers a new and improved experience with the most comprehensive solutions for noise and vibration testing in the industry. With support for VTI Instruments' new EMX Dynamic Signal Analyzer products, Test for I-DEAS offers engineers a complete hardware and software environment with seamless integration between test domains for efficient and accurate large scale dynamic testing. 

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X-COM Systems to demonstrate latest broadband signal capture, multi-Cchannel signal generation, and signal analysis and editing software at AOC

X-COM Systems LLC, a subsidiary of Bird Technologies, will be exhibiting its products for broadband signal capture, recording, playback, and multi-channel signal generation at the 50th AOC International Symposium and Convention, October 27 to 30 in the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC. The company will also have its Mobile Measurement Vehicle (MMV) on the exhibit floor. The MMV is a customer-tailored mobile measurement suite housed in a van that can be configured to provide all of X-COM’s capabilities including direction finding.

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ADI's integrated transceiver and support ecosystem drive next-generation SDR designs

Analog Devices Inc. introduced a revolutionary solution for software defined radio (SDR) applications. Designed to enable programmable radio applications that operate over a wide range of modulation schemes and network specifications such as defense electronics, instrumentation equipment and communications infrastructure, the new AD9361 RF Agile Transceiver achieves best-in-class performance, high integration, wideband operation and flexibility.

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AWR announces AWR Connected for AMPSA

AWR Corp., the innovation leader in high-frequency electronic design automation (EDA), and AMPSA, supplier of RF and microwave amplifier design software, announce AWR Connected™ for AMPSA, a synthesis-through-simulation design flow specifically developed to improve design throughput and productivity for amplifier designers.

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AWR announces a full slate of activities for EuMW 2013


AWR Corp., the innovation leader in high-frequency EDA software, announces that a full slate of activities will be offering during EuMW 2013. Select software demonstrations to MicroApps to an EU User Group Meeting as well as a PA design lunch and learn with Cree and a Customer Appreciation happy hour with National Instruments are all in the works. 

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