Articles Tagged with ''wireless''

Remcom announces update to Wireless InSite EM Propagation software

Remcom announces a new version of Wireless InSite®, its site-specific radio propagation software for the analysis of wireless communication systems. This version, Release 2.8, supports the import of KMZ and COLLADA geometry files. It also provides several other enhancements, including significant speed improvements to the processing of terrain and city geometry, enabling simulations that include larger or more complex urban scenes.

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Skyworks enables revolutionary networking platform from TP-LINK

Skyworks Solutions Inc. an innovator of high performance analog semiconductors connecting people, places and things, announced that TP-LINK's newest router OnHub is being enabled by semiconductor content from Skyworks. The product leverages more than 20 Skyworks solutions to power multiple radios and 13 fully integrated antennas across various standards including Bluetooth® 4.0, ZigBee®/Thread, 2 and 5 GHz applications for 802.11ac/b/g/n and Google's Weave. 

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NYU WIRELESS and NYU Stern School of Business awarded grant to study mmWave networks

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a four-year, $750,000 grant to NYU WIRELESS and the NYU Stern School of Business to evaluate the engineering and economic aspects of millimeter wave (mmWave) spectrum and resource management. The mmWave bands are a promising new set of frequencies for next-generation cellular networks that offer orders of magnitude increased data rates relative to current 4G systems. The goal of the grant is to develop new technologies, economic models, and spectrum policy to realize the full potential of these bands.

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CommScope invests in Europe’s wireless LTE Future with new antenna manufacturing facility

The CommScope facility in Brno, Czech Republic will produce base station antennas for wireless operators across Europe, significantly reducing lead times before delivery. The quicker deliveries will help Europe’s network operators meet aggressive LTE deployment schedules as they race to deliver enhanced service to subscribers. LTE uses new frequency bands and technologies that must be supported in network infrastructure such as base station antennas. 

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