The 12th annual IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology (WAMI) Conference will be held on April 18 and 19, 2011, at the Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort in Clearwater, FL. The conference will address up-to-date multidisciplinary research needs and interdisciplinary aspects of wireless and RF technology. The program includes oral presentations, poster presentations, workshops and tutorials. Prospective authors are invited to submit original and high-quality work for presentation at the WAMI conference and for publication in its Conference Record. The technical program will cover wireless communication systems and RF technologies.
Topics of interest include:
Wireless Communications
Next Generation (3G/4G), Ultra-Wideband (UWB), Multi-Carrier, Spread Spectrum, Propagation Modeling, RF Channel Characterization, System Level Design, Receiver Design Techniques, Transmitter Design Techniques
Power Amplifiers
Non-Linear Measurement Techniques, Circuit Modeling and CAD, Novel Design Techniques and Circuits, Active Matching Techniques
RFIC/MMIC Design and Fabrication
Low- and High-Power RFIC, System-On-Chip Solutions, RF Front-End Subsystems, Advanced Transistor Technologies such as Diamond or Graphene-based
Microwave and Millimeter-wave Circuits
MicroElectroMechanical Devices and Circuits, Advanced Microwave Packaging such as diamond-composites or LCP, Smart Antennas, Adaptive Antenna Arrays, CAD and Measurement Techniques, Passive Networks and Design, RF/Microwave System’s Analysis and Design
Applied Electromagnetics
Meta-Materials, Photonic Bandgap Structures, Bio-Medicine, Radar Imaging, TeraHertz Technologies
Microwave Systems for bio-engineering applications, Wireless devices for biomedical remote monitoring and sensing
Paper Submission Instructions
Call for Papers: December 10, 2010
Authors are asked to submit papers electronically, in .pdf format, through EDAS. In order to be considered for publication by the Technical Program Committee, a minimum of four pages (maximum of six), clearly describing the concept and results, must be submitted. The final manuscript will be requested only after the paper is accepted. The conference webpage at has complete details of submission. Submissions will be evaluated for originality, significance of the work, technical soundness and interest to a wide audience.