The new single channel coax rotary joint rounds off the SPINNER product portfolio at the upper end. SPINNER's BN 835077 with 2.4 mm (f) connections has a transmission range up to 50 GHz, which makes it the product with the broadest transmission band in the series. Further rotary joints are available for the transmission ranges from DC to 18, DC to 26 and DC to 40 GHz.
The new rotary joint with excellent properties supports numerous applications in microwave technology. Wherever constant conditions in the RF area are absolutely essential while simultaneous movement or rotation of the measured object or the measuring unit cannot be avoided this rotary joint ensures those constant conditions. Thus it is possible in antenna measuring chambers to reliably measure antennas that are adjustable on several axes by connecting several rotary joints in series. In the microwave range up to 50 GHz slightly turning or bending a cable can already cause a change in the insertion and transmission loss. In spite of the large transmission band this rotary joint features extremely low transmission loss and excellent adaptation with a typical VSWR under 1.3.
These superior electrical properties are the result of many years of design experience, careful development, top quality materials and high-precision manufacturing. The inner structure of the rotary joint and its sophisticated contact geometry are the result of years of research and development of the SPINNER engineers. The selection of materials and contact lubricants is another decisive contribution to the function and longevity of the rotary joint: All contact or housing parts are either noble metal or metal with high quality coating that makes the parts extremely durable and absolutely corrosion resistant. In order to ensure the function proper of the rotary joint, the absolute precondition is precise manufacturing with extremely small tolerance levels. All critical components are made by qualified SPINNER staff on high-precision CNC turning lathes and milling machines that are working in conditioned rooms.
The result of this work is a single channel coax rotary joint that guarantees outstanding electrical properties even under severe conditions (-40° to 70°C) over a long service life and offers an excellent price-performance relationship. Thus the sum of its properties make the BN 835077 a virtually unmatched product and – as with many SPINNER products – a class of its own.
Visit SPINNER in Booth 512 at IEEE MTT-S in Anaheim, CA.