ELVA-1's millimeter-wave 94 GHz Industrial Distance Sensor was developed for use on various industrial vehicles, to detect obstacles under extreme environmental conditions. Based upon in-house designed FMCW radar technology, this sensor is adaptable to a large variety of detection applications. One important feature of the 94 GHz Industrial Distance Sensor is its ability to differentiate between objects. In railway environments, for example, it can recognize the difference between other stationary or moving trains, an automobile or other obstruction, or a person, and trigger different levels of alert or action. Based on that, millimeter-wave FMCW radar technology is ideally suited for design of avoids railway collision systems that are similar on anti-collision parking systems for cars, which are presented on the market.
Millimeter-wave FMCW radar technology provides several advantages over other sensing technologies. Acoustic, ultrasonic and microwave sensors cannot be used in narrow railway tunnels, because of their wide detection beams. Laser sensors are useless in dusty, smoky or foggy environments. Only millimeter-wave frequency radar is able to provide accurate detection in these adverse conditions. ELVA-1's 94 GHz Distance Sensors can be used effectively in smoke, dust, fog or rain, all of which are common conditions for railways operating above ground and underground. The 3 millimeter wavelength enables the radar beam to penetrate into a long narrow smoky tunnel, and it still operates accurately with dust sticking to the front of its antenna.
ELVA-1 Distance Sensors offer several distinct advantages over other technologies:
• The extremely narrow detection beam (less than 1 degree) does not reflect off of unintended objects, such as the ground, rails, crossing gates or tunnel walls.
Accurate detection is unaffected by atmospheric environmental conditions, and the equipment itself is sealed inside a dust and moisture proof enclosure.
• Large objects, such as another train, can be detected up to 500 meters (more than ¼ mile) away.
• It is a complete product that does not require a redesign for railway applications.
The ELVA-1 Industrial Distance Sensor has been tested in real conditions on the Railway System, and was given high marks for accurately detecting and discriminating between various railway obstacles. The Railway authorities were impressed with the equipment’s ability to deliver consistent performance under real-world conditions. To learn more about ELVA-1`s 94 GHz Industrial Distance Sensors, please visit www.elva-1.com/products/industrial/FMCW_Distance_Sensor.html.