In two weeks I’ll be seeing many of you in Anaheim. No doubt you are busy preparing for the show; producing graphics, arranging meetings, making tee-times and such. The IMS event has been a regular part of many companies’ marketing plans for many years, and with good reason. It’s an opportunity to network with our peers, gain visibility and generate sales activity. At MWJ, we use the event in part to inform our marketing partners about the upcoming opportunities in the months ahead in print and online. Our editors and sales associates will be armed with notebooks loaded with information about our webinars, whitepapers, Military Microwaves supplement, Mobile Communications supplement, the European Microwave show and more. You’ll recognize us by the Smith Chart logo on our shirts and the tattoos on our arms (get yours at our booth), so be sure to flag us when you see us in the aisles if you need any information.

I also use the show to gather information; a trademark of former MWJ legend Ed Johnson (the Colonel), now retired but still connected. Primarily, I’m interested in what new products are being launched, the technologies that companies are engaged in, the health of the industry and its players. But every year there are certain issues that I also try to gauge. This year, I’m particularly interested in the following:

• Video. Are you using it in your marketing? Are you planning to? What kind of content are you video taping and how will you promote and distribute that content?

• Social media. Same questions.

• European Microwave Week. If you’re not exhibiting, why not? It seems to me that this show should be a regular for any company doing business in Europe (Note: I am biased on this one).

• Virtual trade shows. Have you attended any? Do you have interest in participating as an exhibitor at one? I love the concept.

• Have you done a webinar? What was your experience? We’re producing a lot of them this year.

• Have you considered custom research projects to gain insight on brand awareness or competitive ranking? We have the capability to do these for clients but haven’t really promoted it.

• Is China still on your radar? We’re about to (finally) launch our China site.

• Is there a need for more business focused live events, such as executive forums, round table discussions or expert panels?

• Any suggestions for improvements to our print products? We usually start that discussion post-MTT.

• What about our newsletters? We’re looking at giving them a fresh look. Any ideas?

• Do you like our IMS INSIDER show coverage? What additional things can we do to provide show coverage for your company?

• Are my Red Sox really as mediocre as they look so far this season?

These are the questions that keep me up at night. Help me out by sending your comments to, or tell me in person at the show.

See you soon!


Carl Sheffres
