Test & Measurements

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MWJ March Puzzler

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2 Energy at integral multiples of the frequency of the fundamental
5 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
8 The output signal-to-noise ratio divided by the input
signal-to-noise ratio (2 words)
10 Intermodulation Distortion
11 Nonlinear Vector Network Analyzer
15 Peak to Average power Ratio
17 A nonlinear, frequency-domain, steady-state simulation
(2 words)
20 PAE (3 words)
21 Describes the behavior of linear electrical networks
22 Emulator that produces the distortions on an RF signal
when receivers and transmitters move with respect to one
another (2 words)
23 Extension of S-parameters for nonlinear behavior
24 Fs = Fa (V/c) (2 words)


1 BER (3 words)
3 When the output signal is not proportional to the input
4 Mappings of the input signal to the spectral components
appearing at all device ports generated by device
6 Amplifier with a half-sine voltage waveform, containing
even harmonics, and a square current waveform, containing
odd harmonics (3 words)
7 Amplifier that power-combines two amplifiers; one is
called the “carrier” amplifier and the second is called the
“peaking” amplifier (2 words)
9 EVM (3 words)
12 Short for Additive White Gaussian Noise
13 Short for Poly-Harmonic Distortion model (2 words)
14 Process of altering the impedances at the output of an
RF device while measuring the device behavior (2 words)
16 DUT (3 words)
18 The vector ratio of voltage to current
19 Adjacent Channel Power Ratio
25 Large Signal Network Analyzer


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