Ultra Electronics Command & Control Systems (UECCS) has delivered a coastal surveillance system solution to Raytheon Anschuetz GmbH and passed site acceptance tests with the end-user in Romania. UECCS’s system is the main component that Raytheon Anschuetz integrates into its offering and its delivery gives Romania the capability to detect, track and initiate action due to small vessel incursion in sensitive areas, provide long-range surveillance, display radar and AIS tracks on an electronic chart and provide vector information for intercept vessels.
The system will give the Romanian Authorities round-the-clock Maritime Domain Awareness through the creation of a Common Operational Picture. Ultra has supplied radar processing, trackers and local situational awareness displays connected to radar at a number of remote sites, correlation of multiple radar and AIS sensors and a fully operational Command and Control system with a large number of client displays.
This C2 system uses the company’s C2DB software application, which can handle a large number of live system tracks, raw radar overlays from multiple sources and integrated electro optical sensors and all information is stored on a searchable database for analysis.
Romania has a significant coastline on the Black Sea. This installation is important as it will be able to monitor for illegal fishing and provide command and control of maritime forces to assist in the prevention of smuggling and illegal immigration.