Anritsu Co. announced it has extended the low-end frequency of its MN469xB VectorStar 4-port test sets, making the instruments the first microwave multiport Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) solutions to measure down to 70 kHz. The MN469xB series now combines DC coverage and the wide dynamic range time domain capability of a VNA, making the test sets ideal for digital engineers who need to conduct signal integrity measurements on passive high-speed balanced transmission lines and connections in order to optimize their Gbit designs.
Two models are available in the MN469xB series. The MN4694B covers up to 40 GHz while the MN4697B has a frequency range up to 70 GHz. Both include bias tees for active measurement applications. The industry best accuracy, created by a dynamic range that is 12 dB wider than alternative solutions, and the best-in-class measurement speed of 30 μs/point make the MN269xB series well suited for both R&D and manufacturing environments.
The VectorStar multiport solution provides 4-port capability using an external test set driven by the base VNA. This flexibility allows the removal of the test set for uncompromised 2-port measurements or for use with multiple VNAs. This 4-port architecture is ideal for single-ended devices, balanced passive devices, and balanced linear active devices.