IMS2009, the annual conference and exhibition of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S), attracted more than 9,000 attendees from the global community of designers, researchers, developers, academics and executives in the microwave and RF industry to the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, June 7-12. For those who were unable to attend or missed a session they were interested in, this year for the first time IMS is offering Conference Presentations Online, with a selection of complimentary and for-fee content. Recordings of select short courses, workshops and key technical papers presented at the conference can be viewed as streaming video of the presented slides with accompanying audio, delivered via
“The success of IMS this year, despite the challenging economic climate, reflects the strength of RF and microwave technology, which is critical in so many applications,” said Fred Schindler, General Chair, IMS2009 and Director, RF Micro Devices Boston Design Center. “Our Boston location, which continues to be a center for the development of microwave theory and technologies, allowed us to draw many local participants and also attract those who traveled from around the world to participate.”
Based on final registration data that has been reviewed for duplicates, technical registration was 2,357, nearly the same as 2008 registration, and 2,179 participants registered as exhibit-only, an 87 percent increase over 2008. According to final results the total number of IMS2009 participants, including exhibitor booth staff and guests, was 9,165 attendees, a nine percent increase over 2008 participation.
IMS2009 Presentations Online
This year a selection of sessions from the Symposium is being offered online, viewable via, for those who were unable to attend or who missed a workshop or short course they were interested in. The Plenary session and MicroApps presentations are available for free. A selection of 85 technical sessions, short courses and workshops are available for purchase now from the IEEE Shop.
IMS2009 Highlights
On Monday, June 8, the Boston Alarm Co. opened the Plenary Session by marching through the hall with fife and drum. For the plenary session, 570 attendees gathered for annual MTT Society presentations and a talk by the featured speaker, Petteri Alinikula of Nokia on “Innovating Openly in Wireless.”
The more than 160 technical sessions at IMS2009 were well attended. Among those with the most participants were several related to power amplifiers, and applications of Gallium Nitride (GaN) and CMOS technology, which each attracted more than 200 attendees.
This year IMS panel and rump sessions organizers used RF response devices (clickers), which increased audience participation. The much-anticipated Rump Session on Metamaterials attracted a crowd of 280 people.
The exhibit floor, with 559 companies exhibiting, was very busy throughout the week. The MicroApps Theater, conveniently located on the show floor, was filled to standing room only for many sessions as exhibitors gave technical presentations.